Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Not me… Christie Golden… the author of the book being discussed that is for the time being, cannon.


Sylvanas did tell Lorthemar he would make an “attractive corpse” before the Galakras encounter in Siege.

*: typo’d Sylvanas as Dylvanas at first, and now I can’t get the image of “Dillvanas” out of my head.

“This is quite the pickle we’ve found ourselves in, Nathanos!”

Audible groan


Like I posted before you. She also wrote the SA allegory in the Arthas novel. So this isn’t something new and has been cannon for years now :wolf:


And I made clear earlier: charged with and convicted of. Since we’re going full pedantic, I will confirm for you I still mean it.

Again, I’m pretty sure you know I’m not wrong on this.


My phone thinks Dylvanas should become a character too!!!

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No, if you think it was intentional on the part of the author then the author is making an implication. As an audience, if you pick up on something you think is an implication, it’s an inferrence.

What both implication and inference has in common is that they involve filling in gaps with something that isn’t explicitly stated. But you can’t always expect everyone else to fill the gaps the same way, or even think that those gaps are necessary to fill.

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Dylvanas far prefers Vlasic WoW over Retail.


That’s why, as a forum, we discussed it and we all came to similar conclusions. It’s not vague it’s pretty explicit.

They gave us a round peg and expected us to put it in the round hole. (No pun intended >.<)

Golden introduced Dark’han as a lecherous creep at the Remembering and then it’s a point later on that her body is left with him to guard her and why that should concern her. You can ignore that all you want but that’s what happened.


But we clearly all didn’t, which is why we’re arguing.

So far, it’s really only you who’s arguing against it vehemently :wolf:


Obviously anyone who doesnt agree with the consensus doesnt count. Havent you been paying attention to modern political discourse?

Seeing Zovaal’s predictions come true ended up being the real dill breaker.


You aren’t… exactly.

It’s just not as clear cut. Depending on state, it’s either going to be Sexual Assault of nth degree (5th and 4th both being gross misdemeanors) such as Hawaii and Minnesota. There are also caveats that can increase or decrease the severity like say exposing to children under 16.

And how you act. Charging someone while flashing them can be considered sexual assault in certain circumstances. There are other cases where public nudity wouldn’t be considered indecent exposure at all, much less Sexual Assault.

If Sylvanas was R worded there would be no arguing.

It would be explicit and undeniable.

Dylvanas’ entire existence was one jarring experience after another.


First time?

Well if it is explicit then providing this quote would end this whole topic.
So why the song and dance?

Can someone post the Jim Halpert gif where he looks in the camera for me please?

“All those souls condemned—that ain’t kosher,” Anduin chided her. Dylvanas cursed how right he was.


Given my purpose was to highlight SA is not strictly about physical contact, I shall consider this a success!!

The reality is (and what I could have said before but chose not to for the sake of an easier to see argument for others) that SA is not a rigidly defined term. What allegedly happened (through implication) could certainly be considered SA. I can see and understand why others don’t see it that way, short of a graphic 12 page description.

I disagree with them because in writing, you’ll often use heavy implication over outright statements for… uncomfortable situations, and Golden has a long history of that (which is neither a good nor bad thing), but I see their side.

My issue is when people get pedantic over what they feel should and should not qualify as SA.

That never leads anywhere good.