Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

No, it isn’t. It’s literally headcanon. What’s indisputably canon is that Arthas and Dar’khan were creepy.


It’s cannon, difference is. YOU don’t like it because it doesnt fit your headcannon of the character.


Proclaiming and duty aren’t all that unusual words. Just, you know. Seems odd one would think they are.

Personally, I think that taking what evidence has been presented and interpreting it as “dar’khan ooked her corpse off screen” is pretty creepy, actually, and suggests a bizarre obsession with some people in turning Sylvanas into a caricature of a sexual assault victim, which is pretty demeaning to the character in itself.


Sylvanas is a sexual assault victim, it’s canon now. Whether you like it or not.


That’s… not really how canon works…

Look, is it really that hard to post the passage?

Was a time where this would literally be common courtesy on the story forums, a place to discuss lore. It’s hard to discuss that if everybody isn’t literally on the same page so just tell him the page.

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Page 185


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So Arthas turning Sylvanas undead against her will is a SA allegory.
Sylvanas doing the same to others is not.

What about Sylvanas mind bending Andiun? Did Sylvanas R word Andiun?


It seems that people are saying that Dar’khan literally did a necro on her corpse and therefore it isn’t the same but they’ve been wishy washy about providing evidence of that.

Ren said page 185 and someone I know who has the book is checking for me, even though I still don’t see why they won’t just give us the exact words the book uses if it’s that obvious

Was it your duty to post this? Are you making a proclamation that context is irrelevant, and that word usage has no inherent value?

Or just trying to defend a pal?


You already know the answer to that one. :wolf:


So its not an allegory anymore but literal?

This right here is why the revisionist/retcon tack with Zovaal is so criminal. Entire arcs, character motivations, faction allegiances from the most cohesive section of the game’s history no longer make sense.


That’s what people itt are saying but I want more than just their word, especially if they’re going to try to use it to gatekeep victimhood RE Sylvanas’ victims

Neither really.

I just think it’s pretty silly one would try and pull out a “Go to the ren faire” argument over using a proper and common vocabulary. Ainhin is an old forum staple from before the story forums even existed.

There isn’t much defending that needs to be done.

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There is absolutely no way Golden would write an actual R word scene.

Oh so this a matter of gatekeeping. Okay then.


Here is every direct passage from the book on the matter that I’ve been given:

“Intangible and transparent does not flatter you,” he replied. “Do you miss being able to touch, Sylvanas? To feel? To taste and smell?”
“Not here,” she said, “not near you and the stench that is surely present.”
“And what do you think happened to your corpse?”
She had fallen silent, then, “Death is part of life. My body will return to the earth.” As my family has…
“Oh no. No peace for you, banshee, not even the peace of sleeping in the dirt.”
That had startled and wounded her, and the words escaped her before she could stop herself. “What did you do to me?”
“Perhaps the next time I am bored, I will show you. Did you dance when you were young, Sylvanas? With friends or family or perhaps someone special? I shall make your corpse dance for you. Perhaps you can cheer it on, and remember when once you felt the sun on your face, and held a bow, and blood flowed through your veins.”

“You sleep on stone, fair maiden, inside an impenetrable tower. Encased forever in a prison of iron, your body preserved and as lovely as you were in life—if perhaps in slightly different hues. It’s like a fairy tale.” He laughed, and she hated him, and still she listened. “Wherever the spirits of your family went…yours will never join them, for it is the Lich King’s now. Your form will not even molder to dust alongside theirs in whatever sort of place they lie, for I have chosen to deny you that. No one will find you. And soon they will forget…what few of your people remain. Or perhaps they will remember, and curse you for failing in your duty.”

“Poor Sylvanas Windrunner, all alone in the darkness and the cold, where she cannot be with anyone…even the things of nature she loved. And if only you knew who was minding your corpse on my behalf.” The words did not strike as he intended, though Sylvanas pretended that they had. What the arrogant fool did not realize was that everything he said to her was a clue. But how would she pursue it? She had tried often enough to break free. But not even a finger moved without his will.

Although for so long Sylvanas could not act, she had always listened. Often Arthas would speak freely in her presence, and why not? Neither of them expected his powers would wane. She had learned that Arthas had raised Dar’Khan into undeath, after the prince himself, having achieved what he wanted by taking the Sunwell, had slain the traitor. Now the former magister governed the undead in a place Arthas named Deatholme, ruling from the Tower of the Damned, ready to act whenever Arthas would have need of this unit of his army.
Sylvanas and her followers went boldly past the spectral guardians who served as the eyes of Dar’Khan. That she was Arthas’s general was widely known. That she was no longer controlled by the death knight was not. Because banshee and dark ranger alike were undead, they too went unchallenged as they entered. It took some time, but at last Sylvanas found where Arthas had tucked her corpse away, exactly as described: in the darkness, locked in a coffin of iron that rested on cold stone, with none to mourn her.
Her sisters destroyed the iron prison, and Sylvanas beheld herself, composed, still. He had not lied: She was as preserved as her sisters were.
“You have taken so much, Menethil. But this day, I am taking something back.”
And it would not be by magic, but by sheer will and pure hatred, that she would do so. Sylvanas focused on her still form and encouraged the memories that had stung so much a moment ago to return to her now, with all their pleasure and sorrow.

“Oh, Arthas. You even left me my weapons.”
She got clumsily to her feet. Her knees buckled, and she caught the edge of the stone table with fumbling fingers. Again she tried, and this time she stood, wavering slightly but upright.
Sylvanas moved her lips in a slow, satisfied smile.
Oh, Arthas Menethil. You glorious fool.
I name you prey.

Is that everything or are there passages I’m missing?

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I don’t think the person saying “You don’t get to participate in the conversation unless you buy the book yourself” is really the best judge of gatekeeping.


It’s just pointing out if he hates other people’s interpretations he should form his own.

That’s not a bad thing to say to someone.