Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

but that would be …ah, the word isn´t allowed to us…but its starts with an n and end with philia

Kindly post the direct passages from the book

Go buy the book or read earlier in this thread.


I’m probably not going to buy the book, but can someone tell me how it evaded Arthas’ notice that she got her body back? She was still fighting for him in the first chapter of TFT.

The lore around this is inconsistent, in RotLK, she retrieved her body before the ambush on him. But here it seems like the body was still in Quel’thalas? Did she head back there from Lordaeron, ignore Dar’khan, and repossess her body? Then head back to Lordaeron to kill Arthas?


It makes no sense how she even evaded everyone’s notice. She walked in a Banshee and walked out a Darkfallen.

Her body was being kept in Deatholm. In Dark’han’s tower. Her body never left Quel’thalas.


IDK. Maybe it’s me, but it just sounds kinda bad when you have multiple people who have read the book saying “this is absolutely implying nonconsensual sex-like conduct”…

And some guy’s all like “oh reeeeeeaaally now. Please type it for me verbatum!!”


It sounds dismissively mysogynistic. Like MRA rhetoric.


I think that if you’re going to make claims as bold as

then you have a duty to provide the evidence to back up such bold claims. And I think that asking you to post the passages directly is pretty reasonable given the gravity of your claims.

That you won’t do that makes you look like you’re worried that your interpretation won’t stand up to scrutiny.

Oh get off your high horse.

That makes no sense! She was in Lordaeron near the capital at the time she last served Arthas.
She would then have to travel to Quel’thalas to retrieve her body, in the short time that Arthas was captured by the dreadlords, and come back in time to ambush him.

Also, wasn’t there older lore that Arthas had her body carried around on a meat wagon? Is Golden retconning her own lore?


Nothing makes sense! This whole book plays fast and loose with established lore that was one of my biggest criticisms.

She also makes things seem like this is all happening in the span of a few days. There is no logical timeline of events and when you try to line the timeline up nothing makes sense.

Small examples are: Dark Mirror establishes Sylvanas as Ranger General long before the start of the Second War, Liressa canonically died in the first War not the second. But in this novel Sylvanas doesn’t become RG until the Second War. Nathanos doesn’t become a Farstrider until after the Second War.


To whom? Who is this duty owed to? The passage in question has been discussed by others in this thread and related ones, and you did not ask them for exact quotes. Why suddenly is this a “duty” thing?

Says the man telling others what their duty is.



Because Renautus is proclaiming that the circumstances where Sylvanas were violated is fundamentally different from the circumstances in which she violated others.

If they’re going to try to elevate Sylvanas’ victimhood over those that she herself victimized, that’s messed up without evidence to back it up

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Because they are.

Look, I’m not going to sit here and say torture, enslavement, mind control and other psychological warfare tactics are not evil, she is evil for doing those things. But those things are not rape.

The reason why Arthas and Sylvanas’s situation is rape is because it’s said multiple times, in multiple sources, that he defiled her corpse. This book solidifies that, using clever allegory, because this isn’t something you are going to get verbatim in a PG-13 book/game.

If you want evidence, look no further than in this thread just a few replies up.


And those were the things done to Sylvanas. You claim that there is an “implication” that more was done of a sexual nature but haven’t provided any proof to back it up.

Is the “implication” here simply the use of the word “defiled?”

Because if that’s the case then hoo boy don’t look at what the Horde Arathi Basin rep faction is called

Concepts like time and space seem to be an issue in her writing for sure. Whenever she writes about distance it seems to be in game distance, not like lore distance. I noticed this in like Tide of War.


Just three people who have read the book discussing what the book has in it.


I think that based on what primary evidence is given there, it’s a very large leap from “dar’khan guarded her body” to “dar’khan boinked her corpse”

I can see how you would read it that way, but you can’t just treat it as indisputably canon and that everyone else must adhere to your interpretation.

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Proclaiming. Duty. Sir, this is the Story forums. I think you’re lost. The ren faire is a whole other website.

You have been snide towards everything Ren has posted, casting heavy doubt on her statements on what is in the book, even after others have read and confirmed it.

Pretending you are now “owed” anything is the height of entitlement, and you might want to check your attitude before making demands.


It was actually Evelysaa who first made that assertion. You’ve previously agreed with them, and they have no reason to paint Sylvanas as sympathetic, as they are not a Sylvanas fan. So there must be some truth to this despite you singling me out and making this my idea or interpretation. This is a kind of objective fact at this point, the rating doesn’t allow for it to outright be said, but there were ways to suggest it using a sleeping beauty allegory.

You are so quick to hate me but you look stupid when it was actually an anti-Sylvanas person who first stated it as fact. We collectively looked at the text and agreed there was objective fact in this allegory.


It is indisputably cannon. Regardless of you what you think.