Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Which is why when asked for a source, it was common courtesy to supply one. It’s hard to make your own interpretation if somebody doesn’t actively provide the thing to make said interpretation.

This holds true for pretty much anything. A book, a quest, character interactions.

If the discourse on the forums… Specifically the forums dedicated to story telling, has devolved to the point where someone asking for the bit in the story that is being discussed is being seen as unreasonable, then there isn’t much reason for this place to exist.

Nobody is talking about the story then, just their own interpretation of it.


And what if I don’t have time right now or my copy is not currently with me? Am I not permitted to post in the forum unless I have my source material handy?

I was unaware that was a rule in the Forum CoC.

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You could have said so from the start.

Then either you do feel people are morally obligated to provide him specifically with passages from a book on demand, or you do not know what duty means.

There’s no real argument to defend his use of proclamation. Nobody was making any.

“He was here a long time, therefore I agree with his incorrect word useage” is a strange take. If I could find archives of the old forums, I’d link you my Vanilla-era posts. I guess you must therefore also agree with me?

This is all just coming across very disingenuous.


Then you say “I don’t have the time to do so, or I don’t have my copy with me, but I’ll be happy to try when I get a chance if somebody else isn’t kind enough to do so”.

Since this is supposed to be a “community” where like minded people can discuss their interests, somebody else might pitch in. Because ultimately, everyone here is a lore nerd.

You hold no one else to the same standard.


I don’t have to do or say anything. The proof was already in this thread.


It’s actually generally accepted that in an argument, if you make a claim, it’s your duty to back it up.

It’s called Burden of Proof.


You should probably make a parenthetical indicating that this is paraphrasing, and your own interpretation. I might be tempted to say no one should take your word for it.


Burden of Proof only applies in the Court of Law.

We are not in court. I am not on trial.

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I posted the passages that you pointed me to upthread. Are those the ones or am I missing the ones you were talking about?

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Renautus essentially volunteered that they had a copy of the book and volunteered for an AMA. Engaging in that AMA implies that you accept that the perspectives of the person being asked are just that. There was no argument being presented. The person being asked does not have to defend their perspective.

You are being ridiculous.


They are the correct passages we were discussing earlier, yes.

Please refer to the rest of the thread if you have further questions.

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Can you point out in them the places where it can be inferred that Dar’khan violated Sylvanas’ corpse?


It actually doesn’t.

It’s a philosophical ideal that is long standing, shortened from Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat.

Or, roughly… the burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim, not on the person who denies

Which is a philosophy, itself is not a fact.

What if I reject this philosophy?

I’m not the holder of burden. Evelyssa is, I just agreed with thier interpretation.

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Then there can’t be a discussion because everything you say becomes unfalsifiable

It’s a good thing I’m not the beholder of burden then.


It’s upheld in maths, sciences, and yes. Court of law.

One of the core things it’s meant to stop is people assuming something is true just because somebody else said it.

Renautus essentially volunteered that they had a copy of the book and volunteered for an AMA. Engaging in that AMA implies that you accept that the perspectives of the person being asked are just that. There was no argument being presented. The person being asked does not have to defend their perspective.

You are being ridiculous.

The interpretation stopped when they claimed it was canon. That is now no longer an interpretation, but a definitive statement.

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This a forum not math, science or the court of law.

The purpose of this forum is to casually interpret the lore of a video game, which is highly subjective to begin with.