Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

According to the sylvanas novel, he did. Dude immediately went rogue the moment he became the lich king and started making his own plans for domination magic on Azeroth :wolf:


As I’ve said I really found that weird. Because when they do get to the Darkspear they’re described as the good ones, and when Vol’Jin visits Quel’Thalas he’s completely sympathetic to the elven mistrust of Trolls.

And like with the Amani VS Quel’Dorei thing you could argue that things have gotten so out of hand that nobody’s really in the right anymore. But the Amani still definitely have if not a sympathetic then at least a completely understandable motivation.

In a setting where another bad guy is a leering perverted necromancer who’s only redeeming quality is a cool hat. So, weird to just kinda gloss over the forest Trolls as basically just wantonly cruel marauders who are pricks for no self evident reason.

I get this is a multimedia product and it’s not the Amani’s story. But like Putres comes off as more sympathetic as he’s got actual maggots in his brain so, guys clearly not all there and its weird Sylvanas put this (even by Forsaken standards) unhinged weirdo in charge of a bio weapon project.


I get what you are saying but I also take this to mean that you think Sylvanas deserved to be raped.

No matter how evil she is/was no one ever deserves that, she’s still a victim in that regard.

Arthas was proven to have not been under the Jailer’s control he had free will. Sylvanas, also had free will but was being heavily manipulated by the jailer.


That’s more or less consistent with his tribe’s previous contact with the BEs and Amani though. Both are “mortal enemies” of the Amani, and their only significant interaction before now was Vol’jin and Halduron getting their boys together to wipe out Zul’Aman the second time.

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Mal’Ganis tried to kill DK Arthas because he went rogue. How was he under the Jailer’s control?

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Unless the character that does the rape is Sylvanas


Sylvanas has never raped anyone.

Except Anduin, Koltira, and Derek Proudmoore


None of those were instanxes of rape.

She threatened to rape Lorna Crowley to blackmail her father into surrendering to her unprovoked invasion of his kingdom

She did not threaten to rape anyone, she threatened to turn Lorna into a Forsaken.

Ainhin stop trivializing rape.


She threatened to intimately violate her, and in the cases of Anduin and Derek, did intimately violate them.


Excuse me, you’re the one who is suddenly gatekeeping the concept because it might mean your zombie elf queen is guilty of it


Oh yeah you can add Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden to the list

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a persons will.

leaves this here

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You’re using examples of things that are not rape.


Okay but by this definition it isn’t applicable to anyone under discussion including Sylvanas.


right…i never said that this apply to sylvanas.

The only one rape known victims in the canon so far is Alextrasza and Taretha, forgot: Garonas mother aswell.


Sylvanas didn’t do anything sexual to anyone. Meanwhile there’s actual implication Darkhan and possibly Arthas, sexually defiled her corpse.