Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Aren’t these contradictions?


No. The forsaken have committed warcrimes since vanilla and it was all in good fun. We have been conditioned that the word genocide is serious talk.


It just dawned on me. The hated person Arthas left her body with was probably Darkhan Drathir. Remember how leacherous he was to her while alive. Sylvanas’s body was likely defiled by him.

I have no words.


None of that is necessary. GRRM was a fluke. We dont have to try to match him in a wow novel Christie.

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Or you know, anyone who has ever followed Blizzard knew that the bad guys would, eventually, get the proverbial karmic kick sooner or later. Sure, playing the bad guy(like in Arthas’ case) meant you could enjoy some wanton carnage, but sooner or later you were bound to pay. BfA and to a certain degree Shadowlands was that pay period.


Maybe her body was his “reward” for betraying Quel’thalas. The realization that Arthas was teasing her with that and knowing she had no control… what the Hell was Golden/dev team thinking?

It would have been more merciful to have given her body to the Trolls to dismember.

I had assumed Sylvanas’ corpse was defiled, but to actually have it confirmed… and by Darkhan…that’s a whole new wound to unpack.

Im not opposed to a comeuppance for the forsaken. In fact, I think loss is part of Forsaken identity. The real tragedy is how bad the story was.


We can certain agree on that, but to be honest, I kinda always suspected whenever Blizzard decided to deal with Sylvanas, it was was always going to be a crap show. Probably more so when I saw what happened to Kerrigan.

Zerde as prophet, confirmed.

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It was dar’khan. He left her body in his tower in deathholme after arthas raised him into undeath. It states as such in the chapter where she gets her body back :wolf:

That’s genocide as well.

Tell that to the Gilneans.



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I read this part at 3am i’m listening to the audio book now, there are so many details I missed in my first reading.


Everyone keeps saying it was Afrasiabi. Like… the stuff of which he was credibly accused is dispicable enough. I havent seen anything that would suggest Afrasiabi was at fault for the bad story. We latched onto and riffed off of a leak that suggested there was a rivalry, then started hanging the whole bad BfA story on him… SL is way worse.

Because he isn’t. Not purely.

Afrasiabi did come up with this crap.

The Sylvanas novel goes through Every Single Bit Of Sylvanas Lore that Afrasiabi claimed he controlled.

And goes through various plot points that were Weird thereafter (eg the soul cage nonsense) that I personally now suspect were also Afrasiabi

But the writers did eagerly go along with his vision

Eg Golden walks back some of her ridiculous Forsaken worldbuilding in Before The Storm (the Forsaken name vs Living name bits and how one chooses and gets one)

Was that choice of Fascists Naming Conventions in BTS Christie Golden being a disaster thinking Afrasiabi was a galaxy brained literary genius or was it Afrasiabi forcing her hand?

She’ll never claim either lol


When he was shown at the Remembrance party, I was hoping he’d show again later in the book so that his only purpose wasn’t to be shown once just to be evil. He’s just referenced then Sylvanas gets her body. This book would’ve been better if all mention of Dar’khan were removed, and they probably should’ve done so. The only significance he has here is an implication, which might not be purposeful, that Dar’khan violated her body. Entirely unnecessary.


it was adding insult to injury. She was already a subtextual SA survior and now they made her a literal SA survivor without actually addressing this trauma. Add it to the pile with the rest of her unresolved issues.

Arthas then not only knew what he intended to do, gave her body over to him, but also used the knowledge of this to torture her. How can anyone still stan him?


I’m choosing to keep memeing about Lava Eels to avoid grappling with Golden’s choices regarding Darkhan and how she incoherently presented the moment of her suicide


I just want to highlight who “him” is.

Dar’Khan per his description:

Though Lor’themar was found of Dar’Khan, something about him rubbed Sylvanas the wrong way. She did not like how he looked at her, eyes glowing, perfect features in shadow beneath the sweeping brim of his hat. It was one thing to be found attractive; it was another to be regarded as a meal to be devoured.

As Arthas gloats about how beautiful she is in undeath and how he’s purposefully given her body to Dar’Khan to mind…


They are alluding to the fact that Dark’han is predatory in a sexual way. Him guarding her body implies sexual deviancy.

Even though it’s not explicitly stated. He defiled her corpse.

Blizzard leaves a lot of these thing implied, but it’s heavily implied that Sylvanas’s feminine intution about him was right. He’s a predatory creep and Arthas gave him her body to be alone with.

Arthas created this “sleeping beauty” narrative around her too. In the original fairytale Sleeping Beauty was defiled by The Prince as she slept. This is no allegorical accident.