Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

She’s always been the exact opposite of those things.

Thats not what happened, the moment the elves stepped into there lands they attacked, no talking no diplomancy nothing, they just burtally attacked, and so the elves went back to the humans who did take them in where like these trolls attacked us, if you help us, we’ll teach you magic, and so the humans did cause the trolls attack them sometimes too.

Alas. Quel’Thalas reaping the consequences of its longstanding xenophobia is an underrated plot point they’ve never really explored outside lore bibles. Some introspection from the rare elf who actually did care a whit for the world beyond QT would’ve been nice, and Sylvanas is the perfect conduit for that. We had evidence of ranger-general Sylvanas challenging the Sunstriders’ isolationism as far back as vanilla even.


that isn’t…right.

Quel’thalas was literally built by knocking down sacred troll temple city ruins… The elves are not attacked on sight, by the time the Amani notice them they are already busy paving the place over as if its just their right to do whatever they wish.

The Troll wars happen after the founding and raising of the Ban’dinoriel, which lead to it being impossible for the trolls to directly assault the elves, and settled for slaying those who stayed beyond the barrier. The Farstriders were created to counter those troll ambushes.

I feel like the rampant classism we saw in Suramar questing is for sure something you would of seen back before Arthas as well. The Quel’dorei were an echo of the old Kaldorei Highborn civilization, after all


Nah don’t worry about it. The hunched jungle monsters who engage in witchcraft, cannibalism and are savage to the point beyond reason just coincidentally have Jamaican accents.

There’s definitely nothing to interrogate about this trope.


We do get parts where Alleria argues with Lireesa about this, though it mostly comes down to, “We should help the world!” replied with “No we should help ourselves, our duty is our people!”

This gif says everything more succinctly than me.

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The elves traveled for years across the world that had been shattered by the wars with the Burning Legion, but in the end they arrived in the lands now known as Lordaeron. Settling in the Tirisfal Glades they quickly encountered the locals, and while contact with the human tribes was sparse, the local trolls had built a great empire and attacked them on sight, quickly fueling a hateful feud between the two races.

That is before Quel’thalas. They only lived in Tirisfal for awhile as void whispers from the remains of the C’Thraxxi Zakazj started driving them insane. Their conflict with the Amani in specific began when they went north.


Okay but just so we’re clear here - elves are literally mutant Trolls who blew up the continent with their shenanigans.

If the humans can be considered understandable for killing the undead on sight, then surely the Trolls cannot be blamed for immediate hostility to their deformed, demon summoning former kin.


I sort of think they are gonna soft retcon that and say Elune reshaped the dark trolls into her own image as her chosen people…

…but overall yeah.


but thats not understandable, the scarlets are bad guys

That would certainly make more sense.

But still, they’re alien moon goddess mutants who blew up the world. And then a bunch turned into sea snake people and also harpies I think? Imagine this on Earth but we’re the Trolls. This has been an unthinkable series of horrors that have branched out into a cornucopiaof problems. This is every apocalypse movie happening simultaneously. The mutants team up with robots who grew skin - god help us all.

Speaking of gods Bwomsamdi is kinda crushing it. He drains all his power keeping his faithful safe from the literal devil’s chains. So much so he must rely on his worshippers to defend him. But they would be mighty defenders, as they need not fear death, not as long as their god still stands.

Elune on the otherhand kinda drops the ball there. And she says the Kaldorei are her favorite but she’s got a lot of worshippers around the cosmos. Just saying.


I actually have a slight tinfoil theory the Kaldorei represent an effort by Life/Elune to claim Azeroth for their team, or more benevolently an effort to protect Azeroth. Either way it obviously went wrong as against her intentions they started using arcane magic and nearly blew the world up.

I think Elune likely found Eonar as a world soul and ‘corrupted’ her as well, making her into the Lifebinder.




I thought I was your bestie :sob:


it is ok Ren. We can share gooey spider legs together in the cool kid corner.


We are all besties.

We are legion.

One of us.


You and Micah are OG Besties!!

You can have a whole flock of besties. Or a murder of besties, depending how you became besties.

Pretty sure that means we’re a murder of besties.