Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Tbh she seems way more bothered by Orcs.

Which is understandable. As are the Trolls frankly she’s raised to see them as enemies to be killed on sight.

My point here is there is a more interesting story for Sylvanas and perhaps the Forsaken at large reassessing some notions now that they too are regarded as mindless creatures to be killed for circumstances of existence well beyond their control.

But that might be interesting. And this more in fever dream territory.

oh 100% I dont disagree with that at all. Elves, particularly the Quel’direi, are very colonialist in their outlooks in this era. Nathanos actually explicitly mentions humans see the elves as insufferably egotistical and self absorbed.

One can at least say they get their comeuppance when Arthas curbstomps them due to their self isolation and arrogance.


To a point but then he’s such a deranged creepy lunatic it hardly feels like anyone really deserves his wrath.

Although that does touch on the frankly asinine mission statement of the Farstriders which is protect their people not just from the danger and stress. But protect them from the concept of ever even thinking about it.

And yeah no ish 90% of them got wiped out in an attack.

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It’s the first. He’s sympathetic to tragedies that happen and is professional to his people, but he makes bad decisions. He’s the reason why a bunch of the Elves get slaughtered by Orcs in the Second War, Sylvanas warned him about the threat and he was like, “Don’t do anything further about this, magic will protect us”, then they get invaded and it’s a disaster. Sylvanas wanted to send the Farstriders to Lordaeron to cut off the Horde before they get to Quel’thalas but Anasterian didn’t want any of them to die from being sent out there and figured their defenses were enough. He wanted to wait it out because he thought being proactive was risky.

If the Trolls were killing people based on a vendetta resulting from things that happened thousands of years ago isn’t that also them killing people for circumstances of existence well beyond their control

He is depicted as deeply respected and wise, but he has strong xenophobic tendencies, which isnt atypical of the Quel’dorei overall in that era. He has absolute faith in his kingdom’s magical protections and that costs Quel’thalas everything, in the end.


Why wasn’t his faith shaken by that time that his magical protections were penetrated in the Second War

We’re talking about the Second War

The Remembrance is to remember those who died in the Troll Wars.

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Yeah but they’re also having children like the Windrunners who I don’t think the Trolls would make a distinction with

So why did he trust Quel’thalas’s magical defenses to protect them from all the world’s problems AGAIN in the Third War

I don’t know, this isn’t mentioned in the book

Arrogance mostly. He might have been a noble king, but like all of his kind, he was incredible arrogant when it came to…well a lot of things.

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The Second War’s attacks only breached the first elfgate and its associated protective runestones; Ban’dinoriel was thought absolutely indestructible… and it sorta was; even the red dragons never made a dent in it. The elves just never conceived of one of their own opening the second elfgate it was linked to from the inside.

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Well my overall point is Sylvanas is written as being racist, selfish, uncaring or ignorant of other people’s suffering.

Whether these are intentional or accidental character flaws, I don’t know. But they come up a lot.


They wander into their territory. Flagrantly disregarding their border markers and warnings.

Why tf should they?


On the topic of Anasterian, does Sylvanas have any commentary on him leaving the Alliance in the first place? Or does the Second → Third War leap skip over all that?

That gets skipped over

Why doesn’t the inverse justification apply then, when Trolls wander into Elf territory given that the trolls in question are several thousand years removed from the source of their grievances

Remember that the elves where refugees, and the amani just attacked them for walking in there lands, just cause some how they knew these elves where the same ones that took there empire away thousands of years ago

Having some upstarts come in and pave over the sacred ruins does tend to go over poorly with the locals, yes.

You could also argue to the trolls they were in blatant violation of the ancient treaty they signed with Azashara way back when, which guaranteed no further elven encroachment into troll territory.