Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

From what I read so far in this book he’s great and is one of my favorite parts, but it’s ridiculous how many times they bring up that he’s ugly. I’m not exaggerating when I say that every time someone looks at him for the first time their reaction is, “WTF this guy is disgustingly ugly!”

she describes him as having a misshaped, squashed up face that looks like he has had a broken nose that set wrong… several times, and big bushy eyebrows.

After he became undead it got even worse as his face was largely rotted.

One of the most humanizing things they did with him was, when he woke up from being a scorge having him try to hide himself out of shame of what he looks like and is now.


Sex, chastity, and purity in WoW are so strange. Velonara said she also ‘remained pure’ like a “good ranger”.

Raises some questions about promiscuity. Is pre-marital sex frowed apon in Azeroth? Because everyone’s a sloot then, all sex scenes in WoW have been pre-marital sex.

Jaina and Arthas, Alleria and Turalyon and now Sylvanas and Nathanos. Even Anduin was gonna hook up with a barmaid before Auntie blocked him.


Being fair, the elves think most nonelves are ugly as sin, as they are all shiny magic supermodels back then… but she does bring it up an awful lot for sure.

It’s not him being ugly that gets me, it’s how often a spotlight is put on it lol


He’s really, really, really, ugly.

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I haven’t got to that part yet, but Golden doesn’t seem to be shying away from sex in this book even if it’s PG13

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Metzen was always the kind of guy that seemed to want main characters to be faithful to their spouses. To the point that one of the Proudmoore kid was retconned because she was born from an extramarital affaire.


It seems like purity is the social norm especially in aristocracies, and no birth control yet that never seems to be considered.

If Sylvanas was expected to make an hier as Ranger General, wouldn’t she experience pressure to wed a High Elven noble? Would her choosing to carry on a pubic affair with a human peasant damage her reputation or prospects?

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I’m sure there’s birth control even though it’s not mentioned. Would be bizarre to me to not have any when sophisticated alchemy exists, with leatherworkers or tailors probably able to create physical devices.

I’d imagine so. And being fair her reputation was quite rocky to put it mildly, even while alive. She almost didnt get voted in to begin with.


Herbalism probably. There would absolutely be abortion teas.


I think it’s safe to say that sexuality isn’t heavily explored in game, outside of memes and steamy romance novels.

Probably for the best given our community.


I cannot imagine anti-fertility spells don’t exist among such a magically reliant race


That along with potions that could temporarily halt reproductive aspects

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Part if me thinks Quel’thalas would be both rigid about courtship and purity, but also libertine about sex.

Lireesa must have suspected her middle child was messing around with her ‘human pet’ or Sylvanas was dangerously unsupervised.

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I feel like its one of those things where you get in trouble because you got caught more than it happened on a ethics level.


It made me kinda get why he’s not really pressing Sylvanas even though she’s Captain of the SS Gullibility and he seems to be at least dimly aware of that.

He just happened to vibe with this incredibly gorgeous and wealthy elf lady over a shared love of sarcasm, misanthropy and violence. And she liked him enough to track down and rehabilitate his feral zombie butt.

Clearly he’s just decided not to question this absolutely unprecedented turn of good luck. Even when it became clear she had completely lost the plot.


You’d likely know better than I do, but is there any other examples in game of rehabilitating scourge who did not break free on their own?

I cannot recall any.

Nathanos and Sylvanas have chemistry immediately. If there’s anyone who’s soul mates, it’s probably them.