Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

It’s a particularly large Springpaw, like the type you’re sent to kill from a Wanted Board quest. It’s not an ordinary one that anyone could simply kill. Alleria seems to be an older teenager in this chapter and Sylvanas is probably in the age range of 12-15.

So and Alleria failed and Sylvanas managed to become the Ranger General as a result? The old canon was that Alleria didn’t want that, so now they’re changing it so she didn’t make it?

Sylvanas becomes Ranger General several years afterwards when Alleria gets in an argument with their mom and quits. Alleria never wanted it, she just went through some of the steps to get there because it’s what their mother wanted.

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at least that still remain the same…i mean, alleria was descripted as this one talent…but seemingly everything got changed…

Alleria is still talented, every Windrunner is. It’s just that Sylvanas is more suited for and willing to be Ranger General than Alleria.


You know, it’s still quite a downfall, it’s not about Ranger General. That was never Alleria’s will or position, nor did she ever want to be. But she said the reason why, that she doesn’t feel like debating with the elders, like her parents did, in hour-long debates, she was a woman of action. And she was the only elf that even Zul’jin was afraid of.

She was the unparalleled talent of the Windrunner family as a fighter, she was no diplomat, she had little for political trickery, but she was by far the best fighter of the Thalassian Rangercorps.

So that was Alleria, now they’re changing all that and a lot of it doesn’t make sense anymore. Why should Zul’Jin fear only Alleria when there are others similarly if not more talented? Just one example?

Thats bs on goldens part again.

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The book goes into detail about how their mom controls every aspect of Alleria’s life in preparing her for this position, like she’s Brittany Spears or something. Alleria doesn’t want to be chained down which is why she quits and leaves Quel’thalas. There’s a bit of a schism in the Farstriders about whether to support Alleria or Sylvanas, and some people leave with Alleria, but Sylvanas only gets full support after Alleria tells the Farstriders that stay behind who don’t want Sylvanas to be Ranger General that she has Alleria’s endorsement.


quits what exactly? That seems so an strange event…i mean, okay, alleria joined the farstrider and defend the borders of qt out of qt…because of her mother?? WHOT? not because…she herself wanted it?

golden…you are some of the less talented writer in the entire world.

I’m not understanding your hang up over this. I don’t think this is an either or situation.


Ranger General is a hereditary title that has always passed to the eldest Windrunner of each generation (possibly eldest female, they are a bit vague on that detail)

Alleria never wanted that position and her mother never accepted that choice, she made Sylvannas’ life hell as a result as she was always seen as second best.


I’ve been following Warcraft way too long, way too long, but I know just the old story of why Alleria joined the Alliance, why she never became a Ranger General, why she was this “monster” in the eyes of her enemy. That was Alleria, and somehow that…uniqueness was diminished further and further…wow, wc2 was a really long time ago.

Quits the training to be Ranger General. The book explains how it’s an important and esteemed position, on par with essentially how the real life public views British royalty. She basically pulled a Prince Harry. She’s still a Farstrider, just not Ranger General.


Zahir Alliance confirmed. How are you a BE and not know what a springpaw is?


German client^^ Allways funny how renautus try to accuse me of anything …because i post with an bloodelf alt…(and i have 6 bloodelves^^)

…I am alliance and I know what a springpaw is, TYVM.


Arthas was reduced to a Semi-Soulless being whose Body’s Mind was made to renounce the Soul Fragment’s Mind becoming a Sociopath who eventually rips out the Soul Fragment along with his Heart to stop the Soul Fragment from objecting to his atrocities.

Considering how creative we’ve seen Arthas get in Icecrown and Naxxramas(Thaddius anyone?) his actions with Sylvanas I.E. making her corpse dance before pawning it off to Dar’Khan is expected.

Dar’Khan would abuse Sylvanas considering how he treated everyone else we’ve seen.

He also keeps coming back.

He got disintegrated twice and came back both times so I really doubt his demise in Deatholme was permanent! Of course the fact that he is not at Deatholme when we return after Shadowlands means that he is probably off somewhere preforming all sorts of abuse for his victims.

So far, the biggest meme part of this book for me is how Golden goes out of her way to describe how ugly Nathanos is every time he’s in public. She straight up calls him an ugly, dirty, smelly monstrosity WHILE ALIVE. Sylvanas seems to have an ugly fetish.

I mean, lines up with what you see on role play servers.


Pugthanos is bestthanos.

I am glad they didn’t try to soften his personality; he is outright described as a braggart and bully to anyone other than sylvanas.

Okay now I’m curious. Can someone clearly explain his depiction in this novel?