Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers


Seems like it was only possible through a combination of true love and immense patience.

Usually they’re just hungry, shambling meat and that’s that. It’s said as such in Deathknell where you put down those who couldn’t make it.

This would suggest maybe it could be possible. But only if you’ve a deeply beloved loved one on hand who’s down for extended mental and physical therapy with an unnerving blood hungry corpse.


In Shadows Rising he describes thier bond like soulmates. Like they have an invisible tether that binds them. At first I thought they may be soulbinds. But soulmates seems more accurate.


Are there any major lore reveals for blood elves/high elves?

Is Dar’Khan in the book at all? Does Sylvanas interact with him after he’s raised from the grave as another Scourge puppet?

There’s some good info about Thalassian Elves though nothing important. Events that have happened, celebrations and holidays, details about noble society, that sort of stuff. I really enjoy those parts because it’s useful info for RP and very much concerns things that this character I play would get involved in.

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Willing to bet this was a possible inspiration

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I genuinely felt terrible for him when she’s all about how all worlds will rejoice when she’s achieved her goal.

And he goes screw that, you’re my world, please let’s run while we still can"

"I care not for life, or afterlife. I have all I need here. This little world that is ours and ours alone. We can walk away, disappear, be forgotten. Be together.

“And be happy?”

Oof. Man of all the ish Sylvanas has done, that may well have been the cruelest. This man dezombified himself through sheer force of will to just your voice. And you scoffed at the idea you’d be happy together.


He’s in the book a little bit, he’s a creep. Not sure how involved he is after chapter 13 since I haven’t read that far yet.

He’s a huge unnerving creep.

Sylvanas describes him along the lines of

It was one thing to be found attracted, quite another to be starred at like a piece of meat

And of course Arthas leaves her corpse with him because he’s just the worst.


Hmmmmmmmmm how might this be applicable to other first contact scenarios RE The Forsaken

Oh wow. Not that Dar’Khan was a stand-up guy beforehand, but I’m not sure I like this trend of making bad guy characters perverts for a few extra villain points. He and Arthas both had flaws aplenty without that.


It’s really unnecessary. Seems to be something Golden did to make obvious bad guys more blatant.


Arthas was always a massive creep with Sylvanas.

Dar’Khan I don’t really know about. Has a cool hat though I’ll give him that.

He is in the book, she notes how she never really liked him, as he looked at her as if seeing more as a thing to own than a person. And I guess his smile felt a bit hollow.

Why didn’t the send the latter kind to make contact with the Alliance

just have them wear sunglasses or blindfolds or hoods or something idk

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its hard to disguise the fact you are a slowly rotting corpse. There is that smell, you know?


anyone who has been to Blizzcon can tell you that smelling bad doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dead

Blizzcon has been hosted in Stormwind?

The point is that smelling bad doesn’t mean you’re a corpse. And even if it raised suspicions, smelling bad doesn’t mean Kill on Sight

Arthas always gets creative so him puppeting a corpse then pawning it off to whoever the corpse’s owner despises besides himself(since obviously they all hate him the most) for personal use(whatever it may be) is pretty expected.

Dar’Khan sees everyone as objects not people.

He didn’t see Sylvanas as a person any more than he saw Anveena as one.

Furthermore there is such a thing as Perfume…