Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

ITs a rated t game, its not that deep

I just want them to do good vs evil with maybe a grey here and there. Oh and for them to stop the villian from doing 5d chess they are so awful at it, probably a good idea for them not to change anything from the past too, sick of that as well

I’ve always felt they show that they build stuff being more akin to how a D&D game develops, a sort of haphazard devil-may-care manner vs a carefully plotted course. Some of that is because there were too many cooks in the kitchen, some because of the whole ‘rockstar’ mentality and thinking they were impervious to competition as so many had tried and failed to topple them.

They are as such poorly set up to defend against franchises that DO carefully map like FF and having to pay dearly for that vanity and ego.


Okay seriously.

“Oh!” came a gasp, and a woman collided with her right outside the entrance to the Apothecarium. Sylvanas was initially angry, then realized that the “accident” had been nothing of the sort, and was unsurprised when a small vial was pressed into her palm as she reached to help the fallen woman to her feet.

As she bent down, their faces came close together, and the woman whispered, “Hurry, it won’t last too long, my lady,” then pulled back.

“My apologies, Dark Lady, I’m a bit clumsy today,” she said, more loudly.
“New feet, you see.” She raised her skirts, shyly, as if she were a living young woman teasing a suitor with a scandalous glimpse of ankle.


Is this a reference to a quest I forgot about or? She sneaks her like a stone skin potion. Am I missing something here?

What was this?


And that was fine in the 90s and early 00s

It’s been over two decades

This is unsustainable and incoherent and absurd

The gaming landscape has changed and continues to do so and this simply cannot endure


Isn’t it just terrifying how if you’re not a human or near-human, you lose your appearance and turn into a human in bastion?

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It cannot, no. They are finding out the hard way. They are a very old school top down company, however, which makes them EXCEEDINGLY unagile as all long term change has to come from that direction…

…and we know how their board of directors and greedy goblin of a CEO are. Yea.


(Dressed up as a Victorian Era doctor, points at era-appropriate anatomy chart with a large pair of calipers) “Cleary, it’s the study of how one’s personality is determined by the shape of the skull, formed by the development of the various brain organs; and the effects of too much sulphur upon the digestive tract! Which can be cured with a healthy dose of Bobby’s Genuine Snake Oil! Outsourced and fresh-squeezed from the purest Indian Cobras! Two silver shillings a bottle, no refunds!”

I assume that means that truly sinful will still go to Revendreth BUT after they finish or whatever will then get to choose where to go.

The Arthas book had a whole interlude chapter where Sylvanas personally observes the effects of the blight on a human prisoner. Written by the same author. This is weird.


Just finished listening to Sylvanas as an audiobook, which is the way to go, Patty Mattson’s voice is just great and I can “read” while at work.

Overall I have low expectations for large franchise books these days, in my bitter old age I usually find them really lacking in poise and interesting story beats.

Additionally I found Golden’s last few outings in the universe, War Crimes and Before the Storm to be some of the weakest of the novels. I will say Lord of the Clans is one of my favorites but I haven’t reread that in years and nostalgia might be playing a big factor.

But overall I really enjoyed the experience. Its probably my favorite of the series since at least Vol’jin’s. I think Golden did a good job with her writing style and I was pretty hooked. Some stuff I still disliked (Anduin/Lack of Forsaken fluff) but even that stuff didn’t bother me too much. Honestly my biggest disappoint was that the Jailer was actually interesting and this was not reflected at all in the game.

Overall as a book I’d rate it 6/10 but as a Warcraft book its a 9/10.

Minor correction on that note she eventually lets them test on both human and Forsaken prisoners, with the proviso they’re criminals or something.

Also states she deliberately doesn’t look into it that much because she doesn’t want to think about it.

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That doesnt make it better. If anything it just means she was turning a blind eye to injustice.


Yep. /10char

On that note about the book, can you tell me if it talks about Sylvanas planning on killing Vereesa and her kids?

I don’t think that comes up.

She’s really looking for a partner for this Jailor scheme dealy and is really broken up Veressa doesn’t want to be her friend at Silverpine.

I’m presuming this is referring to some sorta expansion contingent questline I missed.

It’s from War Crimes.


So humans back before the second war knew what a night elf was and how the elves came to the EK and how the sunwell was founded. Even knowing what a well of eternity is.

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Yep. At least Nathanos did.

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The amount of ancillary material you need to read and remember to know WTF is going on really is staggering.

Or in this case - still be largely confused as to wtf is going on.

But we know lava eels go to volcano heaven if they eat their sick mate. So, good they cleared that up.