Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

She’s destined to become N’Zoth’s greatest servant. This is canonical fact, it’s why Locus Walker hopes she clings to the Light as long as possible.

N’Zoth is not dead. Alleria has not dodged her destiny. N’Zoth foretold Sylvanas breaking the Helm.

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Isn’t Arthas pretty clearly the reason why she ended up the way she did though


N’zoth is dead. But “Dead” for an Old God is more like forcefully telling them to go home for awhile. I am sure he will probably manifest again in a new form eventually.


Yes, and all the reasons for why already existed.

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Yeah no, that’s what Cdev said after C’thun died but so much has changed since then.

N’Zoth was killed in one of his visions. Not irl.

If anything this actually sounds like it damages Arthas more than Sylvanas which is pretty amazing given that Arthas was already an extremely bad guy

I don’t know how to describe it but it’s kind of like if Darth Vader in the original trilogy was also written to be a sex pervert in a book or something. I mean yeah, Vader is evil and does evil things but that’s not really the kind of evil he is?


Planar beings return to their home plane after death, and they have in interviews said every old god is now dead. So… they are dead.

Kind of. Mostly.

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N’Zoth was killed via Re-Origination! Your assuming otherwise is just Head Canon!

He at the least has been returned to the Void(if Ny’alotha isn’t in the Void already). With N’Zoth’s banishment he no longer controls access the Void Whispers which are now fully under the control of the Void Lords.

She now hears an entire chorus of Whispers who are now competing to get her! The Void Lords now have an interest in her.

If any Void Entity will get it’s grips on Alleria it’s an outright Void Lord or one of N’Zoth’s rival Old Gods(Yogg-Saron and Xal’atath are much more subtle than N’Zoth who is all “The Void is unstoppable”)!


The Cdevs literally doubled back on that. It’s not canon anymore they literally said “they are dead until we need then to not be dead” and said we would probably see them again.


One of the biggest Goldenism in this book is trying to make “moonslight” a word instead of just writing moonlight.

I keep reading it as moon-slight.
Or is it moons-light. How is that better than just sating moonlight… this us the most pretentious and annoying thing…


Cringe… editors… please…

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This is why I didn’t even consider the book. I really wanted to see the important bits, but I knew this kind of nonsense was going to happen.

Wait, so then what was with all of that Nathanos hate from Lor’themar during the Shadowlands prepatch?

How’d Lor’themar go from being friendly to being Nathanos #1 hater?

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It literally comes out of nowhere he calls Nathanos a braggart and a bully but they were friends for years. It makes no sense.

Also in the Liadrin book they described the Ranger General ceremonies as lavish and full of pagentry but Sylvanas’ ceremony was “does anyone disagree say Aye” and some scrub named Helios says “Alleria should be Ranger General!” and Alleria out of no where tells him to sit down cuz she votes for her sister.


Is it that Lor’themar has been forced by Sylvanas to be friends with Nathanos?

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No they were cop buddies investigatimg a murder together.

At no point were they ever antagonistic with eachother.


Also, mostly unrelated, but every time you mention Nathanos basically being so ugly he’s cute so Sylvanas adopts him I picture Pugthanos. An angry little pug wearing his clothes and sitting there like the most adorable little ugly lump glaring at everyone.


That’s accurate. Pugthanos is canon.
She literally describes him having a lumpy face, bushy eyebrows and dark beady eyes. He’s literally a pug.

Her, Lorthemar and Halduron were called “The Trio” and she went and made Nathanos a Ranger Lord over Halduron…

After death she spies on Lorthemar and Halduron by hanging out in trees to see if they miss her and she over hears them saying that Sylvanas is the one who comes to them in thier nightmares not Arthas and that’s why they will never see her as she was ever again.

Lorthemar says “the real Sylvanas would have fought back even if it destroyed her” but she did but it’s not good enough because she didn’t do it fast enough to stop the destruction of Quel’thalas.


its cheap, its dump, golden was the one who brought this sexuel abusement story into the Arthas-Sylvanas dynamic, and now she turns it up to 3000, for WHAT purpose?!

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There’s so many questions I have about the lore in this book. To start… how did the Jailer and that Val’kyr know the future to tell Sylvanas those five things?

This is definitely creepy. I’m starting to suspect Golden wanted to retcon it so Arthas did “have his way” with Sylvanas, but Blizzard wouldn’t let her, so she makes the story get as close as it can without crossing that line.


How could she not? Look at his widdle face!

(This is the post I find out I can post images again with. Pugthanos. Oh my god.)