Warcraft Short Story: We Ride Forth

We’ve seen example of all of those from undead. I think it’s meant in the sense that it’s not felt the same as when they were alive, not that they didn’t feel it at all. It’s a fairly common trope that undead feel emotions but it’s hollow or muted.

To put it another way, it’s like buying off-brand cereal. Sure, it’s technically the same kind of cereal but something not quite right about it.


and i doubt you even understand what does it even mean just like 95% of other people who mentions this word.

If anything the undead seem more rageful than the living. They are practically motivated by rage. Even the intelligent ones. I think “passion” would have been a much better word. I wish writers were more nuanced I guess.

The highlord narrowed his eyes. “I was on holy ground when I was set free. Righteous anger kept me whole until Arthas was dead.”

Case and point

Massively Multiplayer Online

its not cooperative gameplay; its not my life is meaningless in a game with a community bigger than myself; it is not single player elements not allowed.
It is simple, a massive world full of people playing at the same time, this is an MMO.

therefore whatever excuse you are probably thinking, is just wrong.

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Many Men Online Role Playing Girls

this short story is amazing

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Yeah. And there’s more than one Death Knight player. Rather than have a specific “canon” Death Knight/Deathlord, a decision that would cause no end of headaches, the player characters are simply not canon.

in lore just one

funny, cause the game is full of halls of reflection type of lore that literally just dont make sense at all…

Halls of reflection/Battle of Dazalor has two sides, 1 for each faction, much easier to deal with then having this one player character stand in be canon over all the possible player character options.

they might try to make stuf work with that excuse, but in some cases it just doesnt work.
You cant magically make the hero not exist in lore and expect everything just works like nothing.
this direction the hero was not there in the true lore but stuff happened anyway, doesnt work, this is just lazy writing.
Otherwise the whole nyalotha raiding existence can be considered the most lore broken thing in existence, a raid full of heroes using the same legendary cloak that dont exist outside of just one copy.

That’s literally what they’ve been doing for the entirety of WoW. PCs didn’t kill Onyxia, Varian did.

When we get a lore recap they’ll have a specific lore character wearing the cape, if it even gets brought up.

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well they can go and make us totally cannon right now if its not the case, because they were doing a horrible job even with stable characters that are not players.
they got no excuse, and its not even difficult to include the hero as cannon, you just cant create cinematics with us, thats it.

Uh “not alienating every player who didn’t choose that specific race/appearance combo for their character” is very good reason.

You the player character are not canon to the setting, get over it.

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those choices are irrelevant, you can make it work quite simple…sure it might not be perfect, but hey, sylvanas and jaina halls of reflection lore happened even though its impossible, so screw combinations.

easy for you to say, because its not a big deal for you.
not existing in this world for pure convenience from a story standpoit even though thats clearly not true, THIS is what truly kills the world and the game, its not flying mounts vs ground mounts, its THIS kind of crap.
How can i exist if i dont exist, if i dont exist in this game then why does it matter anything that i do? or anything i do is just pure meanigless, and if its meaningless then it holds no VALUE to it.
If the entire hero gameplay standpoint is just completly imaginary then stuff like raids for example dont make any sense for me anymore, it never happened so why to clear it?
Being cannon in lore, its a big deal!

and I cracked up at the “zug zug” in response


Horde and Allaiance are existing factions, there’s no suspension of disbelief for alternating between the two there.

There was a Warrior Class Hall too remember.

Dood, you’re playing an MMO, people turn in Netharion and Onyxia’s heads every 5 minutes. If you want to be canonical go play a single player game.

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Love the four horsemen, such awesome characters!


That was my first Blizzard game!

And about the short story: loved it. Awesome characters and I hope they keep developing them. Loved them in Legion and will enjoy seeing them grow.

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I’m glad someone finally got it! lol

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here is what i want…the next time, they will make a phrase with sentences telling “so the deathlord did not got in contact for this matter for reason X”.
there!!! it was hard? No… does it make thing explode and out of proportion in a blast nonsense? NO.
It just respects every single minute i expended as a dk in legion, achieved what i did, and get the proper respect i deserve that it was gived to me back then.
The cost is 0, and i dont give a crap about what retarded excuse devs might have.
if i tell you all of your dreams are on the palm of your hand would you be happy? yes? then how about i tell you that its all just an illusion of what it could have been, nothing of it is actually real??? not happy anymore? well thats exactly how i feel if i dont exist as well, it pisses me off!