Warcraft Short Story: "Trials"

There’s a placeholder card for one in the beta. The placeholders on the beta for videos to play have different descriptors depending on the type of video (real-time cutscene, cinematic, etc.). The types of videos you’re looking for have been previously described by Blizzard as their “2.5D” cinematics, and there’s a placeholder card with that term on the beta, in a place where it would make sense for one to be.

The first chapter of Legacies only came out a month before expansion launch, so I wouldn’t worry that we haven’t seen them yet.

Edited to add: there’s also a (small) chance that one or more could be held back for story reasons. The Sylvanas Warbringer didn’t come out until the Burning of Teldrassil was available to play through, and the Azshara one came out after BfA was released.

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I didn’t even know Thrall had kids.

https ://youtu.be/w3b56YV-fvI?t=113

Is that why Thrall looks like a cave man in the preview?

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Sending level 1 grunts to fight level 20 hydra is pretty stupid. Even the Alliance learned that lesson when sending lowbies to fight Hogger :thinking:

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So Thrall didn’t care about past orcs dying too young until his own kid was in danger?

I’ll read this later its just that sounds so weird. But it could just be my “Ugh. Boring Orc Drama” bias flaring up

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This is Sparta. Orc edition

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Yeah but the grunts eventually won.

No, he cares, the summary is worded strangely.

Without getting into spoilers too much, they aren’t being sent to fight that specific mob by their elders. They’re choosing to chase that particular mob, despite the adults advising them against it.


Man, leave Wailing Caverns alone!

How many times must the poor beasts suffer?

Are these stories meant to replace the animated shorts?

20 years of Warcraft.
And people still underestimate those boars.

Love these short stories!

Don’t bring Sonic into World of Warcraft. I am a Sonic fan but I would advised against this.

but what if Sonic Unleashed gives reveals about the World Soul trilogy?

We got rid of the night elves squatting in their habitats, only fair we get to cull a few here or there for fun.

And hell, the existence of the unlucky orcs mean the beasts get a lot more protein for a day or two.

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Sad at how many if not most of the warlords turned out / were dealt with :face_exhaling:

Blackhand & arguably Kilrogg were the only ones given respectable story-progressions + endings … And Gul’dan I suppose, if you count him as a ‘warlord’ of sorts.

  • I remember throughout just about the entirety of WoD people kept speculating that Ner’Zhul would come back eventually: “Nah bro, they wouldn’t just make him a pleb dungeon boss - Especially with no involvement or story with the Horde, don’t be ridiculous.” — Only for the expansion to come to an end and dust their hands with those statements to scatter in the wind. lol

At the very least the initial quest-progression of levelling was alright – but much of it just felt rushed then left us with a drought of content for a long while.

… Anyway, ultimately I agree though — The short-animation video stories were pretty gold :grin: Loved Kilrogg’s & Gul’dan’s - Gave me classic WoW story vibes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Seriously, whoever is doing the artwork for these short stories is the only lose the art team has taken in decades…

[Possible spoilers]
I’m sorry but, not only did I survive my confrontation with Trigore, he is now my hunter pet. So this Trigore must have been an imposter!

But on a more serious note, and feel free to stop reading if you don’t want spoilers.
I don’t like how Durak didn’t really learn a lesson from his actions. Nor the fact that “of course” Durak survived when so many others didn’t. In my opinion, rushing to try to prove himself ready shows he isn’t really ready. I’m glad he survived, but I think it would have meant more if he didn’t defeat Trigore - not out of cowardice - but maybe RNG. I know I’ve survived plenty of deadly encounters in game because an attack has knocked me out of range.


No, they’re separate. We’ve gotten short stories for every expansion that also had the animated shorts, and there’s a placeholder for a 2.5D cinematic on the beta.

I wish we’d get more audio dramas, though. It’s a shame we only got those for Legion.

I think that’s why Thrall’s response to Durak’s question of “Can I take the rest of my trials now?” was (after some good dad joke humor) to say basically, “Your mother and I will have a discussion, and you will respect our timing.” I think Thrall and Aggra are experiencing many emotions at the end of the story, and while they are proud of Durak’s capabilities, they are also greatly relieved that he’s not dead, and don’t approve that he was so reckless, even though they understand his motivation. Yes, he avenged his friend and showed off combat skills, but he was still very badly injured, and might have succumbed to his wounds had his family not found him and patched him back together. I think Thrall and Aggra will consent to him formally attempting his trials in the near future, but that consent might be conditional on him first having some serious discussions with them to really impress upon him that what he did was unwise, and that the trials are about much more than what he seems to think.


sonic 06 would be alleria’s new appearance.