Warcraft Short Story: "Trials"

ty for the info :slight_smile:

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Why is it trendy for writers to blatantly write incomplete sentences?

Of course. They write like this for. Cheap Emphasis.

Watch me abuse. The English language for. Dramatic. Flair.

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Hey look everyone!

It’s William Shatner!


At first I was like "how is he bruised from little kids wailing on him when he’s likely wearing leathers?

Then I remembered a little kid orc could probably outbench me irl.


Does. Reading. This. Make. The. Voice. In. Your. Head. Pause. After. Every. Word?



The kicker is that he doesn’t do when there’s action. No, you have to chop up English when you’re inner monologuing. That :poop: never gets annoying.

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I admit my own writing is choppy and broken up sometimes. But I dont know hown to grammar.

not a fan of the new art direction this and anduins look really meh
not sure whats up w/ the weird puppy dog look either lol

We are, there’s a placeholder card for one in the beta. We’ve gotten both short stories and videos for recent expansions.

Dad!Thrall is very wholesome, and I quite enjoyed reading this.


Thrall better not die. Anduin needs a competent therapist, not Genn.

It was okay. But someone better be dying in brutal fashion soon because all this light-hearted, whimsical, Disney fodder is just not putting the ‘DOOM Guy’ side of my brain to sleep.


Did you just tell me to unalive myself over a short story? Really?


Maybe a better way to put my thoughts is “Why do you wish for even a fictional character to die to satiate you? Maybe examine your appetites and stop wishing death on fictional characters.”

Never mind, I don’t really know why I’m preaching pacifism on a violent fictional entertainment game’s forums. Ignore me sorry I’ll go away and think about what I did.

where the heck is my nice animated shadowlands one? where is the effort???

You mean the 2.5D painted cinematics? There’s at least one coming.

The short stories have long existed alongside those cinematics, not as a replacement. Every expansion since MoP has had both associated short stories and 2.5D cinematics released prior to launch, and a few additionally had comics. Legion had all of that plus two free audio dramas.


I have to read now? This is not what im paying for.

as long as we get those animated shorts alongside this then I’m fine. But we’re cutting really close to the expacs release and no sign of them.

For Shadowlands we had several by this point already and they were really well made, especially the arthas one.

I want a Shatner cadence with Walken inflections.