Warcraft Short Story: "The Lilac and the Stone"

When the Alliance sends their fanboys to General, they’re not sending their best.


Oh no the other faction wasn’t deleted from the game such bias!

This game was designed for the alliance. Horde is an afterthought. TWW is the best proof with Anduin and Alleria at the front of it.

One time in the limelight vs the over 10 years of exclusive alliance spotlight since MOP ended yes. Ignoring the obvious yet again.

Ooooh, if only that burn was hotter than your plot armor for the past decade.

Now you know how the Alliance felt Cata through WoD.

Because the game is getting old enough now, that characters that were born around the time of vanilla, are coming of age. We’re basically an entire generation out from the events of the beginning of the game.

We had that feeling since 2014 my guy. Cataclysm was the only time the Horde got anything and you still cry about it 14 years later. Pathetic.

I’m sorry you’re not able to murder the native american/Caribbean-expys with impunity or whatever weird dream you think is “fair” so you can have a lily-white boring generic fantasy world but its a 2 faction setting, deal with it.


It is always the same story really. Alliance fans are angry that Blizzard isn’t outright deleting one half of the playerbase from the franchise all the Horde wants is them to stop killing our leaders we liked before the villain batting started.

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Wait, what? :rofl:

Where is this coming from?

Absolutely not. Horde plot armor is as ridiculous as ever.

Could feed it into a text reader if you’re not big for reading!

Yes. Wrathion is giving birth to his and Andy’s love child.


I liked it, fleshed out Dagran and Moira’s personalities a bit.


Why can none of you walnuts read.

I’m not saying now is a settling down time, I’m saying when all these kids were made and born was, roughly 18-20 years ago in the timeline, which is why they’re all having growing up stories now.

I know you only exist for drama, Zuma, but try to be a little bit smarter.



Then the parents are ripe for the harvest. This is Warcraft after all.

More meat is needed for the butchers slab.


Meanwhile Li Li is still stuck as a kid


This is why countries should ditch their royalty and become republics.

Either that or go with a “constitutional monarchy” where the monarch is basically curator for palaces and castles which are now museums.

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They need to replenish the stable of lore characters after killing so many of them off. Ideally they should have enough that having someone die won’t mean there just isn’t anyone from that faction/group that players know or care about.


Thank you for the amazingly written story Catherynne M. Valente. Was a delight to read. :slight_smile:


I liked the story, Dagran growing up and actually existing outside of a crib. I wonder if they’ll do any more youth focused stories, like Durak or Dezco’s kid. Or all the orphans we took around for Children’s Week, that’d be cool.


Great to see more stories of the Dwarves, getting sick of the Human and Elf stuff…


Anduin is not gay.

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