Warcraft Short Story: "The Lilac and the Stone"

Not being removed from the game isn’t plot armor.

MFW I’m confused on how time works.


After reading it, I hope they use Moira a lot more in the setting. Dwarven political scheming has always been one of my favourite sub-stories in fantasy and how the writer showed Moira navigating Dwarven politics was quintessentially Dwarven while being a pretty unique take on it.

Dagran seems like an interesting character as well, he’s got the potential to be a formidable politician, but through problem solving and logic rather than force of personality and scheming. His genius would be incredibly generic on something like a Gnome but pretty endearing on a Dwarf.

It’s nice to see a character actually learn lessons from the past and not getting stuck in a rut because it’d move them too far outside their races niche.


Where is your proof? Because there is legit none. He’s never dated in the Warcraft universe.

there was a story posted on the wow website i think? of him seeing women in goldshire secretly or something i dunno i can’t remember it was a long time ago but maybe it’s gone now

Christie Golden said that Anduin likes women.


Golden on twitter confirmed he is straight. Can’t post links cuz I have no trust Level.

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See, tweets and a short story from a few years back that haven’t been put in game only go so far tho.

They have to start building the next generation of characters so that the story could keep going, my assumption is we are going to have some deaths in the world soul saga

He’s also had stories from his perspectives having a crush on a dwarf girl and admiring a Draenei lady (because who doesn’t?). That doesn’t disqualify him from liking the dudes too, but ya boy is definitely into the ladies.


What about Arator being very pro blood elf living in silver moon?

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My only issue is that he seems to have won this round way too easily for how much effort his mother had to put into politics to much less extent and how much was put into him not making an appearance initially and shutting himself away from the delegations.

If you’re trying to build up a kid, show them stumbling a bit out of the gate rather than being da best from the start. I think it would have been neat if only Muradin was truly moved by the presentation, with the other delegates appreciation of Dagran’s display being tempered by the fact that now that shield is even more valuable and prestigious. You don’t change key characteristics of a race in a day, after all.

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To be fair, we only know that they shut up long enough for him to mic drop and leave the room.

He could still have an uphill battle once he has to wrangle any kind of actual cooperation out of them.

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[after prepping to furiously type about erasure, closes and puts down copy of War Crimes, that was turned to page 275 and sighs] Thank you.

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Oh trust me, I’m a bi man, I could write a few essays about erasure lol

That being said, I believe Golden’s original intent for Anduin was for him to be emotionally sensitive and explicitly straight, bucking the stereotype that only queer men can be in touch with their feelings.

Now that Golden has been canned, who knows what they plan for the kid.


I know a few want him to “come out”. I think it would be far more interesting if he was ace. Non sexual. Could make some interesting future too. No heir.

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I never thought I would say this but I miss tumblr. It deciding to ban not safe for work really was the internets Arkham asylum break out event.

I find this boring because its a rehash of anduin

As a bi woman I could as well! I was trying not to! :sweat_smile:

While taking wishful thinking into account, I was never entirely convinced that Golden’s tweets were her ruling it out as I have no idea how contracts with authors rein them in and how far they can push characters or even comment on them.

But you’re right about bucking the stereotype and if Anduin is to be the example of an emotionally sensitive and explicitly straight male, he shouldn’t be the only one. The game would benefit from having more (and to remain on topic, I love Dagran stepping into the forefront for this reason.)

Those of us who always stay awhile and listen, know that Wrathion misses Anduin (even asking Genn and Mathias about him).

If you’ve played the beta we know Anduin misses him too and they tease that a reunion is a possibility.

And it may not be anything more than just missing a friend one has had a complicated history with and that’s wonderful too! Exploring male friendships is also important. I just want those two to be happy dangit!


You got another one stashed in your pocket?

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