Warcraft Short Story: "The Lilac and the Stone"

I think with Arator the issue is that the character really hasnt done anything since TBC (even then, he really didnt do anything there) I would consider him Alliance by proxy because he grew up under the Alliance of Lordaeron and was in Honor Hold — but outside of that, he really is more of a neutral character especially with how the book places him in Silvermoon.

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I want my boi Gallywix back in one piece and being the entertaining character he is supposed to be.

ugoly artwork as always

whats happening?

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Did Cataclysm through Warlords of Draenor not happen in your little world?

It’s because they are seting up wow 2!

Having all your leaders deleted while you are powerless to stop it is not focus.

bruh why do we need wow 2? I do not want to start over; wow 2 sounds like a clown fiasco. Instead of creating an entirely new game just fix the issues that are currently in-game

Thrall’s weird wedding to Aggra? Finding out (TMI, btw) that Aggra was all preggo in the ending cinematic for Cataclysm.

Sylvannas’ weird relation with Blightcaller.

Lol’ThatsAGirlyMan’s weird relation with discount Night Elf.

Baine’s and Maylas weirdness (even though it’s kind of cute, ngtl)

If anything, it’s the Horde characters that the Blizzard writers get super-hot and bothered about.

Cairne dead, Vol’jin dead, Sylvanas and Gallywix exiled, Rastakhan dead, Nathanos dead, Lathos dead, Bovan dead, alot of dark rangers dead, Garrosh dead, Malkorok dead, Zaela dead. I can continue. The story hasn’t been kind to the Horde at the same time the only relevant alliance loss was Varian.

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It’s a nice read and I enjoyed it!

I like the fact Dagran’s becoming a scholar emperor-king of sorts with more than a dash of his uncle Brann’s proclivity for archaeology and adventure. It’s a good setup for his in-game TWW appearance.


Wow, thats crazy, clearly they never ended an expansion about anyone else’s relationship, right?

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looks to Dragonflight


Not in the end cinematic, no. A lot of Horde bias in this thread.

She said obviously knowing she is lying


I will burn down all of Azeroth in Dagran II’s name.


Oh, so the final cutscene in the expansion wasn’t 100% about Tyrande and Malfurion’s family life?


Oh, wise and careful bull, that’s not the final cutscene in the expansion.

It is a part of it. You don’t seem to care when your side benefits from it. Also Cataclysm was 14 years ago. Time to give the Horde actual focus that doesn’t involve as many of their leaders as possible.

Crying about horde bias because of a cutscene in an expansion over a decade ago while entirely waving off an equivalent cutscene in the current expansion because it doesn’t meet some arbitrary difference you made up in your head is lame.

Trying to pretend there’s horde bias after the past few years just seems like so much work. Much easier to just acknowledge reality.


What? Horde have also been benefiting from it. That was my point.

But it’s not equivalent. You can completely ignore that cutscene because its only available via quest.

You can’t avoid Preggo Aggra because she’s in the end cinematic of Dragon Soul.

Horde are still around. That’s the bias right there. You’ve been living off Metzen time since Mists.