Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

To be fair it’s implied in the second reply even if they don’t outright use the word.

The only thing we managed to slip in faster than culture war BS is correcting a mistake they made in the writing about calling Durotar a continent.

Which is the internet way.

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By the kind of high school dropouts who use it that way, yeah.

But we’ve already established that you’ll try to find it in everything :wink:

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gnomish engineering backfires all the time as well.


K, but it’s right on the surface here, and it’s a positive thing to see a shift on these forums towards acknowledging it.

Keep flailing about it though.

I believe that you believe that it is.

I believe that you do as well. :slight_smile:

Good story, but I would have changed one thing: I would have made it clear that everything Gazlowe was doing made the best sense on the bottom line, and that is was short term expenditures for long term gain.

They can still twist it so that the machines work, the employees taken care of, etc but the profits over a certain amount still line the pockets of the bosses.

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You’re free to believe whatever falsehoods you like.

I know that’s a specialty of your sort.

Because that’s not the problem. It’s often very closely associated with the problem but it’s almost never the root problem. The problem is people can’t write from the heart anymore. The problem is that everyone has to be the good guys. The problem is we can’t allow different ways of looking at things. The problem is that according to modern Western society, two people can’t disagree unless one of them is evil.


Ecclesiastes 1:9 | KJV
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

The oldest labor strike in recorded history is from the 12th century BC in Egypt, under the reign of Ramesses III.

While Blizzard may be drawing inspiration from American history for this story in particular, the central theme is nothing new.


if anything, they could have made it more blatantly clear that Gazlowe is pushing for these things not out of the kindness of his heart, but because he believes that it leads to better business and more profits.

which is how…basically every Corporation operates.


dear god we see workers rights as woke now?


According to that type of person the bad shrimp they ate last week is woke.

It’s a meaningless word now.


Looking or being different is fine.

Vocalizing a different idea or goal is not.

A room full of people that all look different but repeat the same mantra is the goal currently.

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everything that exists that isn’t focused solely on worshiping the existence of straight white christian males is “woke”.

Or at least used to.

But seriously, “Maintaining the equipment that makes you money and taking well enough care of the labor so that it’s not working at lower efficiency due to overwork or absences” is woke communism now.


Unchecked capitalism is obviously bad. I have a hard time seeing people act like it’s a controversial topic. Pick up a book lol.

Fiction is fiction. Goblins are on my faction but I can’t bring myself to cry about their mistreatment. We’ve been abusing peons for ages.

The Alliance does the same. Do you think Stormwind was built on the back of communal and equitable labor?

It’s pixels people. Stop taking it so seriously. Make progress in the real world and stop complaining about people pointing out an empty fictional victory.



it’s not like Gazlowe was pushing for a lot of drastic nonsense.

it was just common sense. Treat your employees and equipment well, and they’ll be more productive and then you make more money.


more likes than the original post, bro blizzard get ratio in its own posts :rofl:

such a garbage storytelling

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