Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

But greedy isn’t evil. The Farengi aren’t an evil race either. They just aren’t the Federation.

you idiots are making me agree with ZERDE the #1 Jaina glazer in the world.

please stop.

Does it ever get tiring looking for evidence of a culture war in literally everything? It sounds exhausting tbh.


Nobody looked for the evidence.

It was transparently displayed. I don’t get tired of being fed obvious on a plate, no.

Suuuure, buddy. Sure.

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They studied it out you know.

It seems to be just how the avatar crops the character with his shoulders transmogged to the Mythic version of the Shadow Council’s Mantle with glow effects.

For people that read so much into things, it’s amazing that we’re playing dumb here. I do love it though. It’s consistently inconsistent.

Make him the outlier instead of Gallywix and I have zero.

ah. i see now.

Hey, it’s no skin off my back if you want to make yourself miserable looking for bogeymen in every franchise you consume.


some people never tire of being professional victims.


You mean the people that identify with overworked and underpaid pixels? Agree.


I mean certain aspects of there civilization was evil to the point they end up having a huge reform by near the end of DS9 and their old norms of treating females of their species unfairly were reformed out of their society.

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160 replies and I still haven’t seen an unironic use of “woke” I’m shocked >.>

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That’s because nobody even needs to say it lol.

It’s implicitly understood. :slight_smile:

when someone says “woke” as an insult everything they say after sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me.

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I disagree with Farengi ever being evil and I think they were gutted. Their society was garbage and I wouldn’t live in it because I hate capitalism. But to be evil they need to stop people from leaving. Nog didn’t like it and he left. Most people are happy there because they wouldn’t be happy where everyone is equal. I think that’s a twisted mentality but it’s not evil. If you want life to be WoW where the top 1% is elevated and everyone else is considered trash, you can live like that.

People living the way they want and not hurting anybody else is not evil.