Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

I’ll have to watch this when I get a chance. Just wanted to say though, thanks for the link. I already love the narration style, this guy’s got nice energy!

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What does that to do with night elves being pushovers?
Aside from the fact that you’re simply assuming that I only play one faction and presenting this as a fact.

It’s always been a jarring change between the novels and the game, lol. He was so powerful 10,000 years ago he made a massive storm in both the Emerald Dream and Azeroth at the same time. He turned Xavius into a tree with a splinter of wood! Knaak turned him into a straight up god, but it’d break any expansion he’s a part of so… :sweat_smile:

Heck, Cycle of Hatred Jaina was POWERFUL, but you see that in-game all the time too. Way more consistent.

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The story reads as if it were written by either an engineer or someone who’s tried to change a clutch plate without the right tools.

Thrall - Alive
Sylvanas - As alive as she was previously
Baine - Alive
Gazlowe - Alive

Meanwhile, Varian, dead. Khadgar, spoilers, about to follow.

If anything, having Alliance characters around to bland around blandly isn’t the story ‘win’ that you seem to think that it is, and you even recognized that that isn’t interesting. But I wasn’t aware that in general, who the heroes are of a story amounts to which side has the most named figures still standing in the end.

With all of that having been said, though…this story seems to tick all of your boxes. It’s focus on a Horde character, who’s still alive, who isn’t being a villain. So…what’s the prob, Burner Account Bob?


Also funny he said the council chose him when in reality it was just Thrall that appointed him.


old and soon retired.

Gallywix is exiled. New comers don’t count.

Bad replacement for Cairne who is also dead.

Kurdran? Alleria? Turaylon? Danath? All alive. Veterans of the second war too.

MAYBE! :sob:

…can we have Atiesh yet, Blizz?

I think that’s probably news to Thrall. Yet again, I’m pretty sure you’re trolling.

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there is the issue. and it kinda upsets me that people are mad because Gazlowe is a good person and not a raging warmonger, after fighting on the forums about not wanting to be villain-batted.

wait, I should probably switch over to one of my 6 Horde characters to post this huh.

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Was a typo sorry.

If I wanted to be a nice person I would play a male human paladin.

Male human paladins are known for many things, and not a single one is “being a nice person”


you do play a male human paladin.

we’re still just saying things arbitrarily with no regard to reality, right?


Or Blizzard retcons Gazlowe back to neutrality and gives us back Gallywix.

For that to happen BFA and SL would need to be retcon first which lets go back to reality here… it might never ever happen…

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I didn’t have a “Bring Back Gallywix” movement on my 2024 Weird Lore Demands bingo card, but here we are.


Hope not Gallywix is awful and annoying can’t wait till we get to take him out for good in a Dungeon or raid.


it ain’t a movement.

it’s just one moron who worships WC2 and 3 and refuses to let go of it 30 years later.


side note…why is your background green…?

how’d you pull that off?