Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

Yeah sure. But lets not forget why the horde got to this state first… blame the jailer for it. And lets not forget that there’s something going on with the humans on the top not fully trusting turalyon for some strange reason and avoiding telling him things that he should be aware of…

Could the horde council become better story wise? sure
Could the alliance in general go back to be an actual alliance rather than focusing in 1 race at the time? of course

Will it happen? I doubt, they are moving away from factions… I might not be fully surprised if by the end of this trilogy there’s no more horde or alliance…

Yet again I’m not trusting on the writters, I’m sure metzen might try it’s best but after BFA and SL the story has taken a deadly blow that I’m not sure if it’s going to fully ever recover…

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Saurfang and his son are dead. Being not a villain isn’t saving you from being killed. If you want to stay alive you have to be the alliance.

and whenever any of them get ANY spotlight, like Gazlowe in this story, ya’ll whine and moan and complain because they aren’t raging A-holes like Garrosh and Sylvanas.

pick a lane.

Gazlowe has always been a decent Goblin, and this story is well within his character. It’s well-written, and it gives a good spotlight to a Horde race that doesn’t usually get much attention narratively. and, IT DOESN’T INVOLVE THE ALLIANCE.

You just dont like him because you want everyone to act like it is still Warcraft 2, and that was 30 years ago.


Really? Funny considering everything you’ve said in this entire thread implies you want the Horde to continue being bad guys.

Genuinely I LOVE the idea of Gallywix putting out anti-Gazlowe propaganda, that’d be fantastic. Really hope Blizzard goes that route, this has a lot of potential to turn into a great storyline if they play their cards right.


A decent person mabye yes. But not a goblin. He is the exact opposite of just. Just like Calia was. And doesn’t fit the undead either.

Give the Horde the same attention the alliance got during Legion. Then I will be happy.

Because Blizzard is moving away from the way the said race in question was placated since then. That is what we don’t like.

IS it the main plot to defeat Xal’atath? Then I don’t care. That story is gatkeepd by Alleria the new poster girl of the dev team.

A much better game then what Thrall did wis hiw awful reforms.

What a garbage character to be a favorite.

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he’s literally a Goblin.

grow up.

then go play that.


Of course he is and I can’t wait.

He is a green human just like Thrall.

Malfurion is indeed a garbage character. he’s the most overrated character in the entire franchise, imo.

For those who haven’t seen this, it’s worth a watch…

This is how you speculate


Illidan is literally better and has a voice that doesn’t make me want to punch him.

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you’re an Alliance main, while we’re just saying things arbitrarily and disregarding reality.

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Yes. That’s how moving heroic and/or tragic sacrifice works in stories.

Welcome to Media Literacy 101.

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Then why is 99% of the Horde cast dead while all Sons of Lothar are alive?

they write Malfurion in novels as if he is some sort of Ultra Super Powerful God character.

then in game all he does is whine and get captured.


I don’t like either because he looks lame and stupid.

Tell me about it. Night Elves were savages… in game they are quite literally piniatas, who hold tea parties with their mass murderes. Like wtf :rofl:

I’m not on your faction-brain faction-war side, I play both factions.

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