Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

God forbid we have race leaders who aren’t just a ripoff Anduin and are anything but super nice. If this we expect from Midnight too they will kil Liadrin and Rommath next for not being nice to the alliance when it mattered.

Like, this was a good Horde story.

Good serious story, with some great character development.

And no Alliance anywhere in the story. This was a fully separate Horde story, where the Horde is not treated like Cartoon Villains for the Alliance to smack around.

Isn’t that what we say we wanted?

and yet, here come the Faction Brain trolls to cry and complain that it’s not making the Horde into Cartoon Viillains.

why do I even bother talking about Horde storytelling at all. Ya’ll don’t actually want Horde storytelling. You just want unga bunga Orc rage rawr kill alliance peeveepee rawr smash I R EVUL, but you just don’t want to canonically lose.


you’ll still be right here posting your nonsense after Gallywix dies in the TWW Goblin Raid.

why believe you, you never gave us nothing to believe in.


The best way for them to do it is to have Gazlowe essentially be a drop in the bucket. Him and only a few supporters would likely be behind driving any sort of change, pretty much all of goblinkind would be against him. Hell, given the Machiavellian nature of the goblins, one of his own “supporters” could be planning to stab him in the back.

The most elite goblins (a la Gallywix and his associates) would also be able to fund anti-Gazlowe propaganda, hell give us an improved-upon version of the Sylvanas questline where you could be a loyalist. Let players rally to the anti-Gazlowe side, they may want to keep the old “Goblin Way” for any number of reasons; OR they could join the pro-Gazlowe side. Upon completing one of the questlines for the first time (per account), a vote is cast, only one vote per account. The more completed questline would end up being the one that dictates the future of the goblin storyline. There’s your immersion, there are your stakes, there are your “choices that matter.”

You could of course play both sides by having an alt, but completing it the first time should cast your one and only vote.


Mewing? Like a cat? Like, he’s a furry? Is this some new Gen A term I don’t know about, or is it late Gen Z? I dunno man, I’m 20…


What we wanted is the races we have now integrated in the main plot of the coming expansion. This is a side story which is radically changing all the ways how goblins behave as a setup for the first patch. The actual important people(Magni, Anduin, Jaina and Alleria) are shown in the current trailer and its bad and feels once again like the next legion where only the alliance mattered. This bandage of a short story does nothing to ease the fear of all Horde fans who feel neglected by Blizzard.

It’s not really shown anyway that the Alliance is regaining all of their cities and zones. The only exception is Gilneas, and the devs made that neutral, even nicely placing a flight master right next to Gilneas, while the Alliance hasn’t received any flight masters or ports.^^

So I don’t necessarily see it as “The Horde keeps losing”. The problem now is that Blizzard is making all races into a homogeneous mass, with nothing to distinguish them from each other. They’ve all become poor victims and world improvers. Boring. :yawning_face:


Well gally hasn’t been a leader since bfa

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Wanna make me the list again from all the dead characters even without counting the old Horde? Then we will sit here some time boy.

Apparently… yes. Seems that they are trying to get away from that “goblins are greedy” by nature… and now into “we must do better and all goblins must get paid equally”

Very strange writing…


Please no, because then there will be a loooong list of junk races for the Alliance, destroyed Alliance zones and cities plus dead Alliance npcs and it will go back and forth. So no, thank you. This thread is about Goblins, not about FaCTiOn BiAs.

Gallywix is going to be the boss of the Goblin raid, just watch.

what matters are alive lore leaders who can represent you. And the alliance has an army of those. While the Horde is orperating on a skeleton crew now.

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As a roleplayer, it’s pretty much an eternal struggle against the “These guys are like HRRRRM and they go HAAAAW, universally, because that’s what they’re supposed to be like in my head” mindset.

It doesn’t help things that some people do RP like it’s a game that you can actually win and other people can lose, and they’re not above finding any possible thing like “your character is unrealistic because they’re not a carbon copy of the picture of the race” to try and drag people down with.

Overall, though, I blame the general lack of media literacy that people have, where they not only don’t understand nuance, they get mad when anything they encounter has any at all.

It is wild to me that people think there’s any such thing as “Alliance Favoritism” in the plot when the entire game was “The Orc Show, Featuring Bonus Dead People” for so freaking long. I’m convinced that people’s eyes just gloss over when anything that doesn’t confirm their assumptions come along, even this it’s like, “Okay…there’s this, but it’s not ENOUGH.”


Yuh it’s exactly what I wanted actual Horde story where the Horde takes focus with zero Alliance and actual character development.

Correction what YOU wanted last I checked no one died and nade you king of the Horde players.



Alot of people deid you just ignore them since you stopped noticing them as Horde characters the moment Blizzard needed more villains.

Which it wasn’t.

Has been this way since the game launched. Metzens favorite character is Malfurion.

Vulpera in a flower crown, someone who treats Alliance v. Horde like a football game with “who has the most points”, and your average fem draenei player found the thread.

Any chances of nuanced or intelligent discussion just hit 0%.

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There was plenty going on in the Orc Show showing the Orcs as noble and strong (most of the real opposition to Garrosh was from other Orcs), and there was plenty going on showing the Forsaken as shrewd and just scrabbling to survive.

I’m going to assume that you’re just trolling at this point. Malfurion and not his self-insert that he voices? That’s rich.


I think this is the wrong way to take the factions. Constant war is tiring but making goblins into gnomes culture wise isn’t really that interesting.

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