Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

Those do not exist in WoW. You are either a villain or a hero of the story. No middle ground.

Just finished the short, pretty darn good read, refreshing it was not an elf shenanigan and i do like how Gazlowe is more pro-horde now.

I do think some things went a bit overboard, but overall i don’t mind this new path he taking the horde goblin, i actually like they are leaning more to engenieering and tinkering instead of MONEY MONEY MONEY, so good.

The author did good, hadn’t this much fun since the short story " The Strength of Steel"

Its forced because it makes no sense. It would need a new game or a new timeline, like one we are all murlocs.

Complying 21st century work ethos to a fantasy game that was gritty and just for the memes is a bad move. Sorry but there is no need to change this race when no one ever complained about the wy they were written before that story.

He isn’t an original Horde character but he was neutral most the time. I don’t care about him at all.

We don’t need alliance turncoats on our side who only started to like the race once the gloryious days were over. Pls stay a nigh elf and leave true goblin fans alone.

To be fair, we Alliance players wiped out those Undead three times now. It’s kind of grating to see them keeping popping up being that outwardly evil and committing aggressions towards the heroes after stomping them, just because they’re a PC faction in an mmo. At a certain point the only Undead left should be good Undead.

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This is what happens when you prevent conflicts from resolving. If the writing would’ve naturally evolved from Wrath onwards, there would be no Horde or Horde races.

And it doesn’t help that Horde players don’t want to take a well-deserved L.

omg, we NEED this lol. id use it every sunday (post) like i should.
nothing else to say just gaz hands n his blessings that we need but idk if we deserve lol

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Yeah but,

Horde used to be about outcasts just trying to survive in a barren wasteland.

The world hated them, wanted them to die off and cease to exist.

Now horde has allies in the alliance that they can build trades with.

Horde has, orcs, tauren, trolls, goblins, dracthyr, pandaren, vulpera, undead, nightborne,

They arent outcasts anymore, jaina and thrall are friends, have been for years, we have the reliquery working with the explorer’s league, goblins working with gnomes.

Baine is tired of fighting a senseless war that hurts the earth mother (azeroth).

The faction war is honestly played and has been for many factions. The story is awesome when horde and alliance team up. We see just how powerful and unstoppable they can be.


Not just this. They complain about anything that strays outside basic one note fantasy stereotypes. All orcs have to be blood thirsty savages and all dwarves have to be gruff drunks. They lack any creativity or imagination yet criticize any story telling that doesn’t align with their myopic views.


If you didn’t noticed yet, only orcs were originally horde, every other race and character joined later.

He is a character that was part of the creation of orgrimmar, the original one, from Warcraft 3: founding of durotar campaign, he is mora original horde than any knife ear that joined later.

No its not, most of times is godamn awful(broken shore fail and lame invasion) and no side rly like it or is satisfied with the resolution(BfA/SoO), and most of the time they DON’T team up, and the things are solved by a third party like the covenants or class halls.

cringeeee, we don’t want to be that, we want to kill each other while we kill the villain, thats what make wow unique.

My guy the ears of goblins and Orcs are pointy too. This is no argument. Just admit you hate pretty people.

thats why i said knife ears and not pointy ears.

Knife ears = elves

and like i said, he is more original horde than any elf

Elves joined 2007. Goblins joined 2010. Gazlowe joined 2018. I think the elves have seniority.

I enjoyed this short story. Thank you for sharing!

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This is NOT the Goblin way. This is basically Mando showing his face. They are not goblins anymore and they don’t even have the Darksaber.

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^ lore accurate goblin representation right here


At this point its been over a decade since Garrosh/Blackfuse re-built horde industry and a good third of the horde are elves, along with 60% of the story focus.

What Gazlowe wants the goblins to turn into isn’t even remotely close to what any Alliance race is, anyway.

the absolute worst story takes I ever hear about WoW almost always stem from someone wanting to boil the game down to boring, bland pitch black vs pure white.


That wow is finished
Dont you get it?
The new wow is the wow ive been wanting since wrath of the lich king. When alliance and horde teamed up at wrathgate. This bulls*** wow we had in bfa and wod was disgustingly bad and childish.

Im freaking stoked when alliance can go to silvermoon and help the blood elves rebuild their kingdom and team up with the horde to stop xalatath and the void from destroying azeroth.

Im sorry if that isnt the wow you want.
My sound advice to you and those like you?
If you cant accept the peace between the alliance and horde, you need to unsub and go play something else. This isnt the wow for you anymore.


Man, I went into Wrath entirely unspoiled and I was so mad about how that ended.

Ah, when I was in my late teens and could still strongly feel things

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Now this is a cool idea! :slight_smile: If his theory turns out to be true, it will be interesting to see what Blizzard does with it.

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