Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

no, you’re right.

You got it.

I’m not arguing anymore.

Have fun.

I see you’re still not addressing:

Am I good at calling these things or what?

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He has the backing of the Horde.

One of the major player factions in the story.

How’s he gana lose?

Do you know what the word “homogenous” means? Cause what this story is ain’t homogenising Goblins aka making them all the same nor are they making them just like the rest of the Horde. The Bilgewater Cartel are still Capitalists who love profit and inventing wacky machines they’re just not Jeff Bezos level of greedy Capitalist, Gazlowe actually cares about the safety and well being of the workers and understands that doing so will actually boost productivity and therefore profits.


The line that as I said, makes no sense as Gazlowe is going against the grain of the goblins? I mean seriously, the side you’re arguing for is complaining that he’s not firmly in the hivemind

I mean, the start of the story raised the possibility of assassination, you think the horde can protect him all the time from that? Or that they can combat economic combat against bilgewater?

There’s so many ways this can go, so much conflict potential, but so many people think this is gonna be all sunshine.

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The amount of shadow puppetry going in here. Ya’ll should apply for work at the Jim Henson Studios.

Cause the writers have already proven to us that they can’t write compelling Horde conflict, hell I’d bet this author isn’t even part of the current WoW writing team.

How could you not see this either as a parody, slap in the face or just a disaster waiting to happen?

It makes perfect sense because we have literally seen this trend play out for the past couple of years and expansions. You’re just not addressing that because you can’t.

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Someone get me a gif, but


nope you’re right, I’m wrong. the only way to have War in Warcraft is for the Horde to be the Villains.

So be it.

Nuke another Alliance City for giggles.


Popcorn, get your popcorn here! Fight of the century in this thread! lmao


As much i thank the gods that its not another elf story, yeah, it hurts a bit that everything is so homogeneous

I starting the DF tarting quests now, it seems like i was plucked from my original timeline and placed in this one, its so diverse, zandalari trolls side by side with kul’tirans, orcs and humans, night elves and undeads, all friends, and im like*, "guys?? did we forget already?*

N’zoth did won didn’t he, tell me we are just living in that guy dream

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This is just all sorts of wrong.

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So Gazlowe intends to potentially turn the industrial arm of the Horde into one that actually functions with proper efficiency and output? Nice.


They already had the greedy trope and to stay fresh, they need to rewrite those characters.


I might make a goblin now. I hated the dog eat dog goblin way who was always blowing stuff up and “time is money”. They can be peaceful goblins working along side the gnomes for a better azeroth.

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Im… so sorry.

Thats done and gone. We arent playing that warcraft anymore and i love this way.

Ive been wanting alliance and horde as one since wrath of the lich king. I finally got it with dragonflight.

This is my warcraft and im sorry if its not yours anymore.


Modern? I guess you’re not a history buff.


If it was a small faction of them maybe… I don’t know im tired of every race becoming humans. Orc culture was thrown away along with forsaken, trolls, night elves, centuar, and more.

It isn’t that I can’t see the draw. I also get it can be uncomfortable to have even a fantasy race be just evil ( from our perspective) but I find it adds depth to the story.

I am utterly dreading that they might recycle the old gods into the old ones in starcraft 2 and it turns out they are actually good guys to…

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To be fair, one must admit that Blizzard never managed to write believable wars either. The storytelling was never particularly good, to be honest, but at least the different races didn’t entirely lose their identities to a certain extent.

Undead: It’s fun to torture humans, experiment on them, and literally devour them.
Undead now: We suffered so much, isn’t that awful! Now we will do everything to protect lives and improve the world! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Orcs: Honor in battle is everything!
Orcs now: I don’t really want to fight, it’s so mean and nasty. Someone could get hurt. Now I will do everything to protect this world. :kissing_heart:

Blood Elves: Isn’t it cool to impose our will on all creatures around the city and even control our own citizens to enforce our will? By the way, I got some new gnomes because the last ones in my sweatshops collapsed and didn’t get up again.
Blood Elves now: We had it so bad, and we were really hard done by. Now we will do our best to protect the world! :hugs:

Night Elves: Set foot in our territory and dare to threaten nature, and your head will end up on a spike.
Night Elves now: So often we have been trampled down and our homeland destroyed. You know what would be nice now? Having a tea party with our murderers and torturers and inviting them to our new village. :blush:

Worgen: Literal monsters who could barely control their inner beast and tore their enemies to pieces.
Worgen now: It might be that the Horde took our homeland, killed our prince, and poisoned the land for years, but hey, forgive and forget. Let’s all be friends and sing Kumbaya in our city. :yum:

Goblins: Money is my only friend. I don’t care who I work for or what exactly I do, as long as I make the most profit.
Goblins now: We have to take care of proper insurance and wages and everything for our workers. It all has to be nice and harmonious and correct. :smiling_face:

Of course, the list could go on.

I’m not even against taking a peaceful path. Especially if it hopefully means more freedom for the players soon. Particularly in terms of race/faction choice. But it should make sense somewhere. Instead, the story feels very forced.