Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

Stay tuned for the next fake forum outrage where posters complain that the dwarves aren’t just chugging natty ice and have no other personality but alcoholic.

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Stay tuned for the next boot licker who can’t take a joke and needs to take that stick out of their rear


“Whoah man, you didn’t know that there are still the other Goblin Organizations like the Steamwheedle Cartel and the Venture Company?? They’re not actually homogenizing Goblins, they’re just homogenizing the Goblins YOU interact with. We call that variation!”

See what I mean about these midwit, smarmy, dishonest takes? Variation can and should exist within Goblins, what Blizzard is doing now isn’t that.

No, it was totally necessary and you just confirmed in this reply how bad faith and poorly constructed your actual position is.


Ugh, I believe they be a step up from that and chug Pabst at the worst of times.


Yup, I’m the one with the stick up there. Because it’s not all the people rather tender over the idea that, I dunno, one goblin might do something different?

Cool, go cry to them.

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“Hey man, it’s just like one little itty bitty Goblin my dude, getting worked up about that is very silly and not very wholesome chungus. No I will not address how Blizzard has, for the past few expansions, developed races as a hive mind mirroring the opinions of their racial leader unless it’s a specific group getting the villain bat.”

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That’s it, let it all out, it’s ok. The scary people can’t get you here.

You need to do better than that buttercup.


And you think you’re doing any better?

You’re still here aren’t you?

As the racial leader for the horde goblins goes against the hivemind and everyone freaks the heck out.

I thought we were all together in wanting better Horde stories and the Horde portrayed in a better light with better-portrayed Leaders and more representation.

I was clearly wrong.

So let the Villain Bat swing, then.


Can’t take the War out of Warcraft.

Third party threats are boring and meaningless.

“Heck” go back to Reddit. Take your dishonest arguments with you.

Or is this just you mad that there was an actual horde story and they didn’t go with your “Just stop writing the horde” plan

“Whoah, you don’t like it when your faction gets reduced to Lawful stupid and doesn’t engage with the world through political realism at all and lose their defining credo? I guess you guys want to keep stocking raids”

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Yeah, they wrote a Horde story & did exactly what I & many others saw coming. They’re beginning to neuter another Horde race because their writers are incompetent hacks only praised by midwits like you.

Total Applespice vindication.

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I’d call it Alliance patronizing slop but hey authors gata work right?

Wait? A goblin doesn’t act like a robber baron hedge fund manager type, but instead looks to compete with a different edge that’s gonna put him in direct conflict with them. That must mean they’re neutering him. Better to just keep pretending the horde doesn’t exist until they need a faction conflict villain.