Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

They did something very similar with the night elves. Originally, the race was quite savage. If anyone dared to enter their territories, let alone destroy nature, swift and severe action was taken.

Nowadays, they have been completely declawed and defanged. A 10,000-year-old priestess constantly has to run to the humans for advice and hosts tea parties with the people who destroyed several of their lands and cities and massacred many of their kin. Like… wtf?

Night elves in retail have nothing to do with the original concept anymore. They were turned into piñatas for years and are now nothing but care bears. :nauseated_face:

Pretty much every race in this game is the same now.

I am not keen to see Horde efficiency become Alliance efficiency.

Horde tech being ramshackle and half botched jobs is what defines the Horde as rugged.

If everything just works then…we’re just another Alliance.

I mean, just because you make sure your goblin device is oiled and change the filters doesn’t mean it has to be completely reliable. And even with that there’s still a ton of way those things can cause trouble when in good shape.

Problem is, from a lore standpoint with these changes that wouldn’t make sense.

Hence my earlier remarks about this whole thing being a parody.

Why? Have you looked at goblin tech? it’s all pretty much designed to give OSHA nightmares

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And the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They’d have a field day over Kaja-Cola I bet.

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I thought it was quite good at showing a dichotomy in goblins philosophy to make money, I think it makes sense at some point that a goblin raise the question of having better working conditions. I think it was quite clear before that Gazlowe had a different approach than other cartels. It can even become funny if you make links with some irl stuff… xd There’s even a new goblin named Ollie.


With everyone complaining about how all this is gonna get rid of the goblins grit, I wanna see Gazlowe send organizers/recruiters to the the other cartels.


Your not really arguing why that is, just repeating the same to almost parroting.
Two things that are efficient can exists at the same time.

As well, looking though the thread, you were also agreeing with a known story forum troll who has been using forced indentured servitude as their talking point against a mediocre short story about goblins. Is that your train of thought on how things should be and work in the horde?

I’m not here to be the hero.

I want my pound of flesh and faction conflict.

Noggenfogger also mentions that “you can’t spend honor” on page 18 which, as we all know, has been completely possible for much of WoW’s life.


If you take a look at the forum, it seems like most people now want to play the poor, pitiful victim card.
It would be too awful to be associated with fictional evil deeds in a fantasy setting. Today, everyone is a victim who wants to make the world a better place.

There are those of us that want to take a more pragmatic route, not heroes but not villains outright, but the kind that does things that border on villainy because the alternative is so much worse.

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Nobody is saying they want races to act like hiveminds here, you absolute snake. What’s going on is the neutering of Goblins, the same way Orcs, Undead, Night Elves etc. were neutered. This doesn’t introduce “variation” to a race (something that actually existed in the Vanilla-WotLK era), rather it’s simply the first step in turning an entire race into a value-inverted hivemind featuring lawful-stupid ideology.

But hey, cheering on this absolute Marvel-slop creeping further into the game and shilling for story devs with extremely sleazy and dishonest arguments? I’m not surprised at all, you cretin.


gazlowe bless

(if they ever add more forum emotes, I absolutely endorse a rendition of this)


Stay tuned for the next short story where the Dwarves no longer enjoy ale and beer as drinking is bad.


Then I will continue to reveal in the Chaos that I so revere.

Already hanging above my fire place, and looking to silk screen on a shirt.

And I am stealing this, I’ll forward you the royalties of -15%


Well that is just unnecessary like wow did I hit a nerve or something?

You do realise not all Goblins are apart of the Horde and under Trade Prince Gazlowe right? What am I saying of course you don’t just like all the other people complaining don’t care about the lore or actual good world building just complaining about how change is bad and everything should remain as it is.

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Ousting the Orcish Warchief, forcing the Horde to lose a war, become multicultural and then going back in time to do a Bizzarro version of the Alliance Campaign in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal where you kill some of the Horde’s greatest heroes isn’t all that compelling for Orc players, it turns out!