Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

It doesn’t have to really.

There’s plenty of room for a labor oriented leader to still have plenty of grit. It’s just a different flavor than the robber barons we’ve seen with goblins so far.

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The problem is its a mmo and people don’t like roleplaying different races and cultures that don’t match their own.

Eventually everything because modern day human sensibilities. The undead suffered the worst followed by the trolls, orcs, night elves. There are more but slowly their cultures are erased due to player feedback.

I suspect there’s more to it than just very specific player feedback.

No,not really.

When you take the Forsaken for instance it was a race of sadists who gleefully inflict pain and suffering. Most forsaken including the player characters have no grounding memories of their past life. Now its a race of broken survivors trying to find their place in the world.

The average Forsaken before the rewrites gleefully lobotomized people to turn into living zombies they could laugh at as they slowly died making them fetch things and do random chores. They melted people because they could…

People didn’t want to be a part of that and im using one of the most extreme examples to make a point. Old wow and new wow don’t mesh well. There was a drive to make every race “noble” Its why orcs cry so much and trolls eat less people onscreen.

The Forsakens identity was wrapped up in Sylvanas which Blizzard happily binned by pulling what they did in Shadowlands.

You cannot make a race of Undead “pure” or “noble” when they can still cannibalize people.


Can remove the word “faction” and this remains just as true. It’s all just…so transparent, fake, shallow, and weak. The depth there was for the story they’ve seemingly killed off (Vol’jin, Varian), ruined (Sylvanas, Garrosh), or beaten into a dead horse (Thrall, Jaina, Anduin).


eh, treating your people like crap and having broken falling apart machinery that you refuse to upkeep(which was the main crux of this short story) doesn’t = “grit” to me.

but I guess I’m just a weirdo.

Gotcha covered. (No, Darvelion and I are not one and the same lol)

If the goblins reform as is suggested by this story, what difference in ethics exists between Goblin and Gnome?


There a plenty of non violent, physically harmful schemes that goblins have and will use. Just because there are better work policies in place doesn’t mean that goblins are suddenly touchy feely sunshine and hugs.

Ponzi Schemes, Blackmail, Extortion, Gambling, Laundering and Trafficking can be non physically violent as well. What happens when goblins are healthier and have more free time due to the lack of work place injuries? Plot.


It goes too much against their intrinsic nature.

The foreman said himself that there are many other goblins just waiting for the moment to strike and snatch up the operation.

Removing the thuggish, under handed brutal nature of the goblins removes their definition as an interesting or unique faction.

Homogenization of values towards more nobility just turns what scraps of the Horde remains into another sterile Alliance.

We can always get Gobbos that follow the letter of the law, but take advantage of what is legal is not always moral.

Has that happened?

It will if Gazlowe keeps this up.

Does it?

Do you know the history of labor rights? There is SO much there to draw from, and it isn’t all sunshine and roses.

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So safer work environments removes more free time, promotes sensibility and negates any and all violence that can happen outside of work? Hmm. Sounds interesting, have any evidence of this?

Yeah I also know who writes the story around here.

Which makes this short story something of a parody if anything.

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What in the heck is that even supposed to mean? Speak Common, willya?

I’d wager that this short story will have zero impact on whatever nonsense will be pushed with War Within.

I mean, looks to me like Gazlowe is making a move against the Trade Princes that’s gonna take a lot of fighting to see through, and plenty of ways Gazlowe can be differently brutal against them.

But some people are just seeing the engineer knowing a maintained machine is cheaper than an unmaintained one and freaking out for some reason.