Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

You replied to me.

And it’s also not the first time.

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Ty for the info. I made a post asking for some clarification.

I think some people just spend too much time in this game. The way some take it seriously is intense. As if it’s such a big deal if a fictional race does morally wrong things. Why does every race now have to behave the same and be world-improvers?

Besides, it just comes across as really hypocritical, because there’s no simultaneous complaint about the racial segregation concept. :dracthyr_shrug:


Why does every member of a race have to act exactly the same?

It’s better world building to have variety.

Fantasy races and real world races are not really equatible.


I don’t complain about either, but I also approach it as a game, a fictional tale, and not the “stochastic” attempt to influence that many seem to.

Exactly, so why does every race have to be exactly the same? Because that’s exactly what Blizzard is doing.

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Did you read what I said before that or


Oh, sorry, my bad.

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Exactly my argument too thank you.

I finished watching this and it’s too perfect to not be what’s actually happening.

Honestly this may be my new favorite lore youtuber. His other speculation videos are just as good.

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I really appreciated your opinion here, and I’m definitely a fan of characters not always getting what they want. I, too, think it would be great if we felt like some of the narrative arcs that we get in the game are earned–like we’ve really spent some time with it in order for it to get resolved–not just a story here and a story there, and Cinderella and the Prince live happily ever after. That’s not how life works, and while I, too, love the comedic arcs of certain races, I feel like those deserve to be earned, too–warts and all, as they say.

Growth and change isn’t something that always happens at the time that an idea is fostered. Sometimes it takes years–generations, even–before people are ready to accept new ideas. Sometimes things have to get really bad in order for change to occur. That, sadly, is a part of life, too.

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As someone who rps a very stereotypical goblin, I love this. It’s no fun playing a villain with no heroes. Worker rights and better protections means it’s not just depressing to go full Bobby Kotick, because there’s consequences for unrepentant evil bastards.


Just remember, an injured goblin isn’t scheming. A healthy goblin is always plotting. Safer work environments allows for more free time, more free time allows for more plots. Not all plots are physically harmful.

Blackmail and Extortion are well known tactics in every goblin’s vocabulary.


how do you know who zerde is but don’t understand Erivien’s gimmick that he’s been doing for years?


Yeah it really is next level…

Had me like 0_o.

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You guys really need to define what a Trade Prince is. How is Noggenfogger the leader of the Steamwheedle Cartel, but not a Trade Prince?

The way I see it, a Trade Prince would be like the owner, but one like Noggenfogger would be more like the Manager/president. Gazlow might be one of the few that is both.

https:// wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/Trade_prince

This artical states that Trade Princes are leaders of the Goblins, but not the same as a leader of a cartel.

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Looks to me that the grit is being taken out of the Horde.

My question is…why?

The writers don’t care about faction depth. Nothing will change from their Marvel formula going into War Within.

It’s all just a big joke but we haven’t gotten the punch line yet.


I dont think there is a punchline. The whole situation is just sad and depressing. Like its intentionally done. They just have to ruin everything.

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I think its laughable.

They’re happy to preach this rubbish while sidelining the majority of the Horde at the same time.