Warcraft on Xbox: coming soon?

I know now. :melting_face: :grin:

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(nods) The more you know. Or as khadgar would say “knowledge is power”.

I never said anything about key board and mouse.

There is a difference between lightly monitored and officially supported and vetted.

Once again

An add on wouldn’t even be allowed to change a button call out. Example, “press Y to do soandso”.

I worked in QA Compliance for a major publisher/developer. Any patch, content, etc. anything. Not really boy did I have to spend hours and hours going over it to make sure it complied with specific rules, every time it also had to be submitted to Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft for their team to also go over it. Not just to make sure it functioned, but to ensure it met their own compliance rules.

And yes, I even conceded that process could be streamlined for Xbox. But this would mean add ons are not regularly updated like they are now.

At best there would be 3-4 official ones that get updated once per patch

Fallout and Skyrim have the benefit of being completed games. Their kids are not being updated on the daily

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You can have it on a console, provided there is no cross play with PC or at the very least it tells us who is PC and who is console.

It’s even more than that.

You have d-pad, ABXY, LT/LB/RT/RB, L Joy PUSH, R Joy Push, and 2 menu buttons. That’s 16. Now subtract 3 and assign 3 modifier buttons. You get modifiers, no modifier, and modifier combos equaling 8.

So, a grand total of 8 x 13 = 104 available hotkeys at your disposal.

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I never understood why anyone would want wow on a console where 32 fps is the max and you have no addon functionality or any convenient way to do literally anything…

Its not made for console its not meant for console, it shouldn’t ever be on console.

True but since some are not able to figure out the options I gave ,I didn’t want to confuse them with push features of the thumb sticks.

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I hope you don’t mind if I use your quote for some different things I want to talk about, just a jumping off point.

Because I play mouseless it would be a different comparison but yes. The thumbstick in particular could replace the 4 arrow buttons I use to move around and the touchpad, so would be streamlining in that direction.

As an aside I enjoy playing WoW on my laptop and using the touchpad. I’ve done freelance design work and never used a mouse then either, unless one was provided for me where I worked.

What attracts me to the xbox controller is the in-game mobility that it could provide, which is where my laptop is really lacking. I can’t skyride worth a darn on my laptop but heard skyriding is amazing on a controller.

As far as having the ability to use a controller now with my pc, I’d rather have a dedicated console so I don’t fry out my computer, and that it’s far away from me across the room stacked where it belongs.

I think the main drawback would be the number of action bar buttons to convert over from pc to controller. Some of my toons I could see being unwieldy, others very fluid. It think my mm hunter would be fantastic with a controller and would be the first one I would try out. My frost mage with his 30 plus buttons, not so much. But my mage’s action bars do suffer from button bloat, and it is a lot. Getting it down to a core rotation of spells would probably improve my gameplay anyway.

As others have said in the thread more knowledgeable than me, high-end content is currently being done with a controller, so it’s definitely possible. The drawback for me is actually mapping it out on various toons; there would be a learning curve for sure.

this is the real issue with a port to console.

everything else is just people arguing for the sake of arguing.

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talking to a wall, man.

people who haven’t played a MMO other than WoW in 20 years are gonna argue you to death that consoles are not advanced enough for MMORPGs.

the real issue is addons.

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The only people arguing here are those whose default setting on the forum is to argue. It’s a discussion and I’m learning things. It’s a useful discussion for me.

this is not nearly as large of an issue as anti-console people make it out to be. not even for the most button bloated classes.

seriously, it’s not.

(note, before you get all huffy about it, I am not accusing you specifically of anything here)

I believe you and would tackle it but some toons will be harder for me to map than others. It’s definitely a skill issue on my end given what ppl are saying about what controllers are capable of.

I’m pro-console/controller so conceding there might be a learning curve on 10 different classes and toons.

There is a video out there, I cannot find it though, but it’s with a WoW Dev playing Warcraft with a controller, but he’s also explaining why the game won’t come to consoles.

If I find it I’ll obviously post it.

It can be done with Controller if you are not going to use Volley, Freeze Trap, Tar Trap, Binding Shot where you pinpoint the area where you would lay it. Have an AI auto-place them? No way. I want to throw exactly where I would want it. Like in DIablo 4… there are poops where I need it to be placed but on COntroller, it has predetermined place where you could throw it. The predetermined places are not the place I want it. Controller players can play what they want there but me, I was fine killing Uber Lilith with my Mouse on PC.

Also Disengage, I need to pinpoint where I would leap backwards. I always do Disengage Forward.

Also micro’ing the Pet. Move To there and stay Passive… then I throw Misdirection and Shoot. Mobs starts running towards the pet behind the wall. Then command - Assist me, Pet and Follow me.

All this on Controller? NO THANK YOU. I don’t want WoW to gimp my moves. It’s a BIG NO to a Controller.

I already don’t use Volley so not worried about that one, and started putting pet away at all times to prepare for the patch mm hunter changes. My mm hunter definitely going to be single target focused as much as possible.

I’d have to see how it works with the traps and targeting. On my laptop I use targeting pretty heavily with my keybind on all my alts. Tar trap I usually use with mobs so any place in front of me is usually good enough.

I guess it’s a matter of preference and have to try it for myself first. If "that’s a no from me, dawg,’ fair enough.

On other scenarios like on Mythic+, mobs are not running towards me. It’s running towards somebody else. And if the AI controller is dumb enough to throw it in front of me instead, that is something I don’t want.

Like Real Life AI, they are so dumb. My Car auto brakes when it detects that I would collide. I am an LA driver. There was a time, I want to pass by going to the left lane of the car in front of me who is stopped and I was bit fast so I could get the yellow light in time, my freaking car didn’t let me do it. Instead, it braked hard on me. First time my Car’s AI and my instinct didn’t agree and the Car AI dictated on what would happen. I lost my freedom. I will figure out how to override AI in the future. On WoW, I don’t want AI to tell me where I would lay my traps, how I would I micro my Pet, etc.

Not soon but there is a very good chance that sometime in the distant future, what with the WoW dev’s slowly introducing FFXIV level of controller usage and clear parity between it and keyboard that you may see Xbox exclusive servers with opt-in crossplay from both sides. There just isn’t really a huge market that isn’t already taken up by current console MMOs that WoW would struggle to make a dent at this point without having to make some kind of monetary sacrifice to garner attention in that space.

That isn’t to say it isn’t worth it - I think Blizzard makes MORE than enough money to actually support a console-only version with optional cross-play that wouldn’t hurt anyone not wanting to participate.

Oh man, if they released WoW on Xbox and gave it cross-play just imagine how that would polarize the community in M+, Raids, and PvP lmao.
The only thing I can see that would benefit from controller players would be open world questing