–EDIT: this is a SPECULATION thread. There has been no word at this time whether we will get wow on console or not. The focus is on what gamers have speculated, not Blizzard itself.–
I recall one of the Microsoft takeover ideas was bringing WoW to the Gamepass on xbox, more importantly making wow a console game. I personally am not into the desktop gaming setup most gamers use and have been looking forward to the Xbox mode. Anyone else going to play that way?
I did read wow is available for xbox via GeForceNow, which i looked up and am not ready for a vitual reality headset. Anyone here currently play this way?
I for get who but it was a written opinion article that it could be in the works. With no official word, doubtful. But it could work as a keyboard and mouse is easily handled by an Xbox.
Honest question. In console would they be able to download Add-ons? If not, that would change many fundamentals of the game at high level play. Maybe they would bake Auras in, and DBM, and Meters?
It’s the keyboard that makes the difference. I have all my abilities at my fingertips in an instant, no need to hold down buttons or switch out hotbars. Also turning your character around is a lot faster with a mouse.
I’d be okay with fewer active buttons for a console release. The hero talents are already showing how we can do it - “when you activate X, it also gets Y effect” or “When X goes on cooldown, it becomes Y for the next Z seconds.”