Warcraft on Xbox: coming soon?

–EDIT: this is a SPECULATION thread. There has been no word at this time whether we will get wow on console or not. The focus is on what gamers have speculated, not Blizzard itself.–

I recall one of the Microsoft takeover ideas was bringing WoW to the Gamepass on xbox, more importantly making wow a console game. I personally am not into the desktop gaming setup most gamers use and have been looking forward to the Xbox mode. Anyone else going to play that way?

I did read wow is available for xbox via GeForceNow, which i looked up and am not ready for a vitual reality headset. Anyone here currently play this way?

Literally not a single person ever said this.


Yea don’t recall them saying they wanted to lose a bunch of money


The idea was brought up as recently as April 2024, that Blizz is still interested in doing it.

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I really don’t want to see how much more they dumb down the game so that console andy’s can play.


I for get who but it was a written opinion article that it could be in the works. With no official word, doubtful. But it could work as a keyboard and mouse is easily handled by an Xbox.

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Just because someone plays on console does not make them dumb. Video games started on consoles.


Honest question. In console would they be able to download Add-ons? If not, that would change many fundamentals of the game at high level play. Maybe they would bake Auras in, and DBM, and Meters?

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How is clicking a gaming mouse more revelant or superior that using an xbox controller? If anything i think it would be an improvement.

Fallout and Skyrim has addons that can be downloaded…albeit though that it’s limited or behind a paywall cause they got greedy.

It’s the keyboard that makes the difference. I have all my abilities at my fingertips in an instant, no need to hold down buttons or switch out hotbars. Also turning your character around is a lot faster with a mouse.

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Video games technically started on computer


It’s generally the sheer amount of hot keys people macro in. I have a 12 button MMO mouse and it’s full plus shift keys, and over flow.

Microsoft has made it plug and play with mouse and keyboard on Xbox…

I don’t remember WoW itself being mentioned.


As long as the brain dead masses on console get their own server and i never have to interact with them then fine, put it on console.

Pong was on console. Then Atari, When NES came out was when computer started being really used and ran of DOS.


I’d be okay with fewer active buttons for a console release. The hero talents are already showing how we can do it - “when you activate X, it also gets Y effect” or “When X goes on cooldown, it becomes Y for the next Z seconds.”

Why? Because you feel they’re sub human for playing on console?


Games existed before pong