Warcraft on Xbox: coming soon?

100%. I’ve played with people trying to do end game stuff on a steam deck…needless to say really, but it didn’t go well. They were always a carry because they couldn’t really do their rotations

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Since we’ve settled the issue of the false rumor that this idea has any official basis, I can say that I don’t even own a console, and have no intentions of acquiring one. Because, you know, computers. General-purpose tools. Not one-trick ponies. “Specialization is for insects.”

No, they started on mainframes. (Yes, I am extremely old and did play them)

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:japanese_goblin:nope. not going happen. :japanese_goblin:

Absolutely. Not everyone can afford every console.

Console Andy’s, I like that name. I hate console andy’s PC :on: :top: :fire: :fire_engine: I don’t hate consoles because people play on them I just hate cnsoles bc of the exclusives

that doesn’t have anything to do with tribalism, though. plenty of people can afford only one console and still manage not to turn hating the other one into what passes for a personality trait.

Typical name for a console player.

Think it was more if speculation from us than anything else.

Nope. WoW isnt made for console play like FFXIV and ESO was.

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Some folks use xbox controllers to play wow to this day. Its had compatability for quite a while.

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How many more keys do you have available to press for abilities compared to a controller? That alone would make a huge difference in m+, high level raid, and pvp.

If I can get Outlaw running on a controller, you can get anything running on it.

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It’d be terrible to play.

The camera work alone, would make me barf on a controller.

I mean, controller it can work. But wow’s combat wasnt designed with controllers in mind. So while it can be functional, I think it will be a negative for most people. Some will make it shine, though.

It greater issue, imho, will still just be the lack of add ons. I think it will greatly limit what a person can accomplish. Not even talking only about DBM/BW type ones. Just UI, healer options, etc.

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I want to raise a few points since I see the same arguments re-tread too frequently.

WoW can already be played with a controller using /console GamepadEnable 1 or something similar. Controllers are already popular with users who have a disability that makes using a keyboard uncomfortable/painful.

Controllers have plenty of buttons by using modifiers. It’s not weird for a controller player to have about 32 buttons or more that are easily accessible (no space between gcd usage).

Controllers do have some actual problems though. For example, targetting a specific friendly player quickly, or targetting anything specific in a crowd. Or, doing a specific action with an item in the player’s inventory. A controller setup requires addon/lua wizardry at the moment.

Another point to be considered is that consoles can use mouse and keyboards now anyways.

Lastly, consider that the worst player you’ve ever played with was probably using mouse and keyboard. Using mouse and keyboard doesn’t automatically make someone worth playing with. A lot of people playing on m+k use GSE and hardly anyone notices.

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Who me? Lol. I use a laptop, no mouse and have a few keybinds, but the action bars I would assume would be the biggest hurdle. But can I envision wow on an xbox with a controller and the various buttons at your disposal? Absolutely.

I would just adapt because I like things to be streamlined and the xbox controller does that very well. The usual disclaimer that I don’t play a lot of high-end content. If there was an option to play either way, I would probably abandon the pc.

I think cross-platform is a great idea and whoever wanted to stay on pc could do that as well. I think I played Bioshock cross-platform and liked it both on xBox and Steam.

Add Ons or Mods I believe on consoles would need to be curated by the developers. BG3 does Mods for consoles, but again they need to be vetted by the devs.

The main issue would be healing use a controller. Again they could require mouse and keyboard peripharals for the console. However, that would be the biggest hurdle.

I believe Diablo 4 worked on console because you only have 6 primary abilities in your action bar.

With WoW, you have far more. Not to mention if you have aoe targeting circles for healing or attacks. Those would be more troublesome with just two joysticks, especially if you’re trying to move at the same time.

man, trade chat’s going to slow down with that lame screen keyboard.

The more the merrier, right?