Doesn’t change how I feel or my opinion of the movie.
I think they really could have cut most of the Orc side stuff, got a better actor for Khadgar…and then slowly bled into a “horde isn’t a monolythic” narrative bringing in Durotan and Orgrimm a bit more. (so, WC2).
Maybe show “horde side” build up at about the same LotR showed Saruman and Mordor’s business. Brief flashes, but no long dialogue filled scenes.
End the first movie with Medivh’s death causing a seizure or whatever in Gul’dan, and Orgrimm takes his chance to challenge Blackhand and take control of the horde.
I felt Khadgar was one of the best parts. After playing through an expansion where he’s thrust to the forefront of conflict, it was a good look at his humble beginnings and I felt Ben Schnetzer carried the role well.
well I own the bluray, so, yeah. Will probably watch it several more times.
I’m not saying he’s a bad actor. I think he did a great job and wasn’t the worst of the bunch but I would’ve picked someone different. I can’t tell you who cause it was a long time ago when I watched that movie and have no plans to watch it again to figure out who I had in mind back then. But if you liked him that’s all that counts for you. I on the other hand would’ve chose differently.
I bought it digitally. I watch it at least once a month in the background while I play.
Its not perfect but its no Last Jedi.
I think a movie adaptation of Lord of the Clans would be a great way to have one last try at a Warcraft movie. A smaller scale and more personal film following Thrall would have a better chance of not looking like a LotR wannabe and endear itself to casual viewers.
Did you bring cookies with you to watch the movie Grumbles?
We watch it every few years lol. I’ve seen it twice now.
I love the orc stuff, but that love story… the way they made Garona look… lol.
Always! Would you like some cookies?
Orc parts were great, the human side casting and acting was about as awful as it could possibly be. None of the actors made any sense in their roles, it all felt cheap and forced. Could have been a good movie with better quality actors.
I kind of ignore it. It was what it was. Some good and some poor CGI used to try and sell a so so story line. It suffers from what most modern game to film adaptations do. Meh.
I loved the Warcraft movie. The magic effects were awesome and the Orcs looked amazing, in fact they were the best part of the entire movie. There was just enough fan service in the movie that it wasnt glaringly overwhelming (the Murloc was great and my friend called me out for laughing at it in the theater). The human side left a lot to be desired but I did like Khadgar and Medivh.
Always Grumbles, always.
I watched about 30 minuets of it and turned it off-- didn’t look back. The bad CGI killed me.
I own the movie and watch it every now and then. I once watched it 2 times in a row while playing WoW just because it got me excited to play.
I know it is not a good movie but I still like it. I would love another one.
rewatching it in its entirety for the first time in 2 years…love it! Even with its many flaws.
Well actually it’s been over 5 years.
At this point it’s all blizzards fault for not locking threads to read only once inactive for years….