Warcraft movie: 2 years later

Its been over 2 years since the warcraft movie came out (june 10th 2016)

Would you watch it again or still pretend it didn’t exist?


I mean, the movie wasn’t even that terrible. Some of the acting left a little to be desired but as a movie the special effects were pretty good. I feel like they tried to do TOO much with the story. There are decades of lore to cover so I feel like they should have spread it out over a trilogy to give it all justice but honestly? I’d watch it again.


Got it on Blu-ray and digital. Watch it pretty regularly.


I’m not one to continually rewatch a movie (unless its gladiator) but iv watched the warcraft movie twice since it came out and that will probably be it unless I get nostalgic and watch it a few years down the road.


I watch it every now and then for a bit of fun.

To me, it’s just fun to watch. I wouldn’t rate it as if it were an absolutely fantastic movie but, by nature, I’m a Warcraft fan so the movie is fun. /shrug


I’ve seen it twice. How many times do you think I should watch it?

Two is enough. If they make another, they need to do better but as it is, it was good because it was entertaining.

Gladiator was an excellent movie. I love that one.


Dude im probably going to be silenced for commenting like this but i [Removed by Forum Moderator for language.] loved the warcraft movie. They hit it spot on with the humongous shoulder pads. Of course they didnt introduce the characters like it was lord of the rings and just started right in. It was supposed to be sort of an indie/cult following type film. I thought it showed what balls blizzard had left. It reignited my blizzard flame and it was meant for our cult and i loved every minute of it and bought it and watch it all the time. Kudos to blizzard for doing that.


Same, man, same. I absolutely love it. I wish blizzard would do another one just the exact same way.

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I would, It had a few pacing problems here and there that’s for sure, but overall I liked it in fact I preferred Lothar, Wrynn, Medivh, and Garona’s story better than the ones presented in the Medan comics.

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The movie was good. Screw the haters. A sequel with WC2 inspired events would be even more amazing now that the other races would be more invested in the war. Then probably a third or fourth one to finish it off with the journey of Arthas.

I don’t get why it’s not being worked on considering how successful it was in one of the biggest markets in the world.


Right? They JUST introduced the different Warchiefs at the end. WC2 is when Warcraft’s story starts getting interesting. Ah well, Warcraft is too good for movies, needs a whole HBO series with 9 seasons.


It’s a decent movie if you’re a fan of Warcraft. It’s not fantastic but it’s not particularly offensive. It’s not a great film for people who don’t give a crap about Warcraft though.

I like the little voiced comic thing it comes with. Too bad the disc doesn’t play half the time. Had the same issue with 3 different copies between 3 different blu ray players before I gave up.


RIGHT!?!? Omg we need kit harington as varian lmfao

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Pretend it never happened.
Orcs and their CGI was awesome, voice acting great, the rest of the cast felt like a total miscast, story was all over the place, the spell animations looked cheap and the set pieces and some of the armor looked cheap ‘‘at times’’.

I honestly don’t care how accurate a movie is, this one was a missed opportunity in my opinion.


I own it.

Honestly it wasn’t bad. A little wonky in some places, and the pacing is so/so, but I don’t think it had any glaring flaws.

Making Dal already flying is a bit naff, and really screws the timeline if they plan on doing WCIII.

Which, honestly, is where they should have started. Warcraft 3’s story is much more fitting to a movie format than 1.


Still waiting for Netflix or Hbo to make a GoT style World of Warcraft. Hell there’s 7 seasons right there . 14 if you broke each expansion down into 2 years.


I kind of sort of want a version of the movie where all the lines are dubbed with Azerothian Common (how common sounds to horde players) and Orcish for the respective races.

It wasn’t that bad at all, although tbh I see it as a bit of a missed opportunity


While the movie itself was entertaining, I can’t allow myself to like it.

This movies very existance is the reason we’ll never get the actual, rich, warcraft Lore on a film. They did it, they changed it, but its done, it wont be done again.

I loved it for one main reason - the fact that it was made at all. I remember thinking before I saw it, please let it not suck but even if it does, its still being made after all those failed false starts. It was a dream come true, to see Azeroth up there on the big screen.

It had a lot of flaws, most of which were not the poor director’s fault. If it were being made by HBO with a minimum of Blizzard input, quality writing and good actors, I’d pay whatever I had to so I could see it. But it probably wouldn’t please all the players because it order to make it appeal to a wide audience there would have to be a lot of tinkering.

Still…Arthas, Lich King, Sylvanas cursing him, Jaina crying over her lost first love, Varian seeing a good friend turned to evil…a young Garrosh and Varian exchanging sneers… I’d be there in a flash.