Warcraft movie: 2 years later

I saw in in the theater when it was released back then. I enjoyed it. It certainly wasn’t best picture material but it deserves a 3 out of 5 on my scale and I would watch it again.

i want MOP movie pls bilzz :grin:

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I feel like people who hate on the Warcraft movie are those who are just simply jumping on the bandwagon of those who give their outcry that it’s not 100% to their liking of how Warcraft was supposed to be done.

It wasn’t that bad a of a movie. I’ve actually seen it twice I want to say, once in theater and once at home. There are some stuff that I have issues with but as a whole, its not bad. My biggest gripe honestly was Garona. Couldn’t stand how she’s the only Orc thats not CGI and I just feel like they missed the mark on her.

Aside from that, I’d watch it again easily. Haters gonna hate.

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As a Warcraft fan I loved it. But as a stand alone movie? It wasn’t that great.

I also wish they stayed within the walls of WC1 a little more than they did. Ex: Dalaran wasn’t floating until wrath, why was it floating during the first war?

I liked it.

the move was good, the problem it was too short, too fast, things were did in a hurry

The movie should have like 3-4 hours, like a Lord of the rings movie, would be amazing.

I think they should just go for a serie, like 12 episodes with one hour and half about the first war, another season to show the second would be insane

And we could think even bigger, with seasons to be separated, to focus on the third war and the demons, the rise of Arthas to be the LK and the creation of orgrimmar.

It wasn’t a terrible movie but going forward if they were to make another, I would make it an animated movie instead. They could do the world so much better in that medium anyways.

I still watch it from time to time and enjoy it - however, it’s what I call a background movie. Something I can have on while I read a book or work on something else.

Also, I am infamous for liking absurdist films. I adored the movie “Spaced Invaders” because it’s so over the top bad. And yes, I have Killer Klowns from Outer Space. :clown_face:


I watched it in theatres. I own it and have watched at least twice?

Was it the best movie out there? Hell no… But as a fan, I enjoyed it a lot. I’ve seen worse video game movies out there I assure you. I wish they’d make another.

I personally enjoyed the movie; I think it could have been improved by a narrorator though to help non-fans understand.
Khadgar could have explained some bits in a monologue for example. I’d watch it again though myself. I’d love a lich king movie.

I didn’t watch it the first time, I wont watch it either. I don’t think I’d like it at all, so I avoided it.

It’s certainly flawed but it hit a lot of good beats for me. I really enjoyed the glimpses into Orc culture that we never really got back in the old RTS days. If they make a sequel or two, I’m on board. I suspect that, like many have said here, the better treatment would be in the form of a series. You need a pretty massive budget to make that work, though. I think the best time for all of this to happen would have been just after WotLK when the name was really a household thing.

Same. Ragnar is my guy. I would say it’s the same for most people that liked that show, since it only lasted two seasons after he died (final season coming soon-ish). I wish he would do more.

If they make a second movie, they’re going to have to find some really good leads, since the main reason I watched it was for Travis (Lothar).

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It was on one of the premium channels I get recently. I have no urge to watch it again; paying $11 to see it in the theater once was more than enough.

I still haven’t watched it the first time.

It’s not terrible, but it was pretty meh for me. Which is disappointing because I loved Moon by Duncan Jones.

Considering the development hell it went through, it turned out way better than it had any right to. A director’s cut could have turned it into a pretty solid movie actually.

I thought it was fun and enjoyed watching it. Not a “great” movie, but not everything has to be. There was a lot of potential that could have turned into a really good sequel, but I doubt we’ll ever see that unless WoW really skyrockets in popularity again.

If they’d had better pacing, the movie would’ve actually been pretty good. They just moved through the scenes way too fast with too little development. That said… It’s not a Final Fantasy Advent Children which had almost no character development, a very flimsy plot, and weird arching story.

So to answer you… Ya I’d watch it again, since I’m a warcraft fan, but I wouldn’t expect a non-fan to watch it with me.

I would not. I liked the CG’s but the people they picked for the characters were terrible choices and I wanted a story close to the novels. Lothar was suppose to be a huge man and then we get tiny guy instead. Khadgar was not a good choice not sure why but definitely needed another actor to play him. Medivh was terrible and needed to be taller and have broader shoulders and darker hair. King Llane was fine imo. Moroes was seriously bad, needed to be older and bald and needed some humor. All the Orc’s seemed fine because of CG though I wanted to see Grom included and not in the damn background.

If they do a second movie I would watch it ONLY cause it looked to be Thrall’s story and a continuation of the first though if they screw it up like they did the first I’ll only watch it once. I personally would just start over and make it closer to the novels.