Warcraft movie: 2 years later

Never watched, since it was not a comedy with “in” jokes/memes about the game staring James Franco, Seth Rogan, Danny McBride, Pete Davidson, etc.

So, no name? I am talking A list Hollywood celebrities. There is no Paul Bettany, no Christian Bale, no Hale Berry, just come B grade actors, but nonetheless I really enjoyed the acting and everything about it.

If a a sequel came out Id rewatch it again. Didnt thought it was bad at all. Hope the next movie is with the Burning Legion. And includes more races with prominent roles then just humans and orcs.

Here is my hope to see some Draenei and Blood Elves. :crossed_fingers:

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If no one knows who they are, they get the term “no name” cause no name comes to mind when you think about them.

I have not seen the movie, but it’s possible I might watch it.

It’s just that from the few things I’ve seen, I feel that I would be highly critical of it. Yeah, I know it’s an “alternate universe” type of thing, but that’s already one criticism. Then again, they wanted their humanized Orcs to be one of the main centerpieces, and having the original Horde wouldn’t have let them do that.

Never saw it. Kept waiting for it to come out on U.S. Netflix and am apparently still waiting.

TBH it covers a portion of the story that I really don’t care anything about. And from what I hear it’s not really lore-acturate. So I’m not in a rush to see it, ever, although if it ever turns up on Netflix I’ll give it a shot.

The movie was actually a faithful adaption with some decent work put into it. It has it’s problems of course, but frankly the movie would have been badly received no matter what they decided to do with it.

Just watch 10 minutes of the best bits from the movie to get my fill on youtube, the best scene for me from the movie was literally cut from the final film.

Oh, I would only consider no name actors the ones that fall under D list, or C list maybe.

The hate has burnt out. Only the ones who liked the movie then still care. Just get it on blu-ray or dvd. It was selling for cheap last Christmas, like under $10.

Sigh Yeah I enjoy the movie so much I have it all most every where, But Yeah I do wish they work on 2nd movie and so on, I did buy some the toys and etc, Since well fan and all

Sure ppl hate the movie but I still like it as it it: A Warcraft movie, better then LoTR or DnD or just about any thing.

I Still watch it once more then another marvel movie, I getting sick of them.

I enjoyed it. I liked what they did with Khadgar the best. It was hard to get used to the change in lore and the compression of time, but it’s a movie so I didn’t mind it too much.


Honestly I like the movie, but I like it a lot because I’m a Warcraft fan and already knew the entire story of what I was gonna be watching before I watched it. So for me it was just like seeing a cool cinematic of something I read before and seeing a universe realized that I’m heavily invested in already.

However objectively I think it was a poor showing in terms of getting outsiders into the franchise. There is just way too much to explain for it all to click.

For example, Gul’dan doesn’t really come off as that scary/threatening in the movie as he is in the written lore because you don’t see his rise to power and bargaining with demons.

You see dwarves for 2 seconds at the beginning and the end but they’re gone for the rest of the movie without much of an explanation as to why.

The humans comment Garona looks like them and then there is no further explanation as to how that occured. etc etc

Just a lot of things they could have done a better job of filling in. Everyone who I watched it with who didn’t know the lore said they liked the action but just didn’t understand the story and constantly were confused trying to follow it.


I still love watching it. HBO has it on demand.

I liked it but I don’t think that people unfamiliar with the lore would get it. Specifically Medivh.

Here is our greatest hero but our worst enemy at the same time but never explained in the movie.

That said, I would love to see a sequel.

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I loved the movie, saw it twice in theaters and bought the blu ray. I didnt really know much WC lore at the time, I played a little bit of WoW at that point, and new the characters I liked from Heroes of the Storm, but that was about it. I had no problem following the movie.

The friend I saw it with only new of warcraft because of myself and playing heroes of the storm, had no problem following it or the story. My parents, who have absolutely zero clue about anything WC related, had zero issue following it, and all three of them really liked it. So I have no idea how the common complaint was that it was to hard to follow.

I’m not saying it was a masterpiece in film by any means, but it was a very enjoyable experience, and I really wish it had done better financially, I would be first in line to see a sequel.

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I really enjoyed the movie. Would love for another one to be made.

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Got it on DVD, watched it once tried to give it away and no one would take it. It’s somewhere in the back of my closet now.

Wouldn’t bother watching a second one, even it was on free to air tv.

The special effects were over done and became silly, although I liked how they done the orcs and cities and such. I think it was a blessing that it failed.

I must have watched a different movie or have a higher bar for acting cause the Warcraft movie I watched had the WORST b/c-rated acting I’ve ever seen. It’s like they took every generic obscure person they could find from the Hollywood C-list and gave them a part.

Watched it once. Thought “Gods it can’t be THAT bad, can it?” Watched it once more. Never watched it again.

Guldan killing duratan was my only big issue. Arthas would be a good one to make.