Warcraft movie: 2 years later

I’d watch it again. It’s good for a weekend afternoon when you want something to watch.


I still think they should have never used real life acting and just done the cgi movies like they do for expansions.

I think 2 hours of that type of cgi would have probably been a better road.

Like comeon, look at this…

A full movie with that type of animation? That would have been legendary.


“Pretend it doesn’t exist”!? C’mon OP. It’s not BloodRayne or DragonBall: Evolution.

I am a proud Blu-ray owner of it. It needed more fleshing out of the humans but WoW has historically favored Orc’s over them in story and character development.


It was a fun movie. Better than captain marvel will be.


I thought it was ok. I would definitely watch it again. The human parts not being live action might’ve made it better, but whatevs.

I’d say the biggest problem was that WoD’s setting was chosen partially to promote the movie (so post WC3 players could know who the hell Gul’dan is).


Even now, I see that the movie had a lot of potential. There were a few unnecessary changes (Orgrim Doomhammer as a Frostwolf Orc) that and a few pacing issues. I would’ve done the climax completely different though, having the climax be the Fall of Stormwind and the last shot be of King Terenas pledging to stop the Horde.

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Movie was good. Just needed to be around 20 minutes or so longer to flesh out some of the story.


Hated it. Watched it like 5 times though. I don’t know why.

Because you liked it? :rofl:

Hey, I wanted to like it.

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I will say this a thousand times: try waiting years for your favorite 7 novel series to be turned into a 90 minute movie.

Warcraft was 300 times better than that pile of poo-doo that’s called “The Dark Tower”.


I’ve watched it like twice, there’s decent fighting scenes in the warcraft movie, but anything related to actual lore or even dialogues and scenes to develop it were at most poorly done. It needed to focus more on one side of the story, or one character not try to do both sides and mess things up.

The movie is not that bad so no I would have no issues watching it, I actually liked it for the most part. At least the orc stuff, they did a fantastic job on that side of the story telling. Acting was the best, funny how the people in CGI suits talking to no one on screen I bet at the time ended up doing better.

Honestly I think it is better than some of the transformer movies that have been more successful. It IMO got some undeserved hate. You want to see a terrible movie, go watch Dragonball Evolution.


it’s a lot better than I expected

rewatch occasionally in fast forward mode to the good parts

Was honestly super surprised by the sound quality

overall, for all WoW things, I’m completely burnt out on the fel and green corruption everywhere. Just wish they could figure out something new after 15+ years.

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There’s too much detail for a single movie. It’s not self-contained and it made it hard for people who don’t know the story to every grasp what was going on.

I’d greatly appreciate if they made a cartoon/anime series that chronicles major stories.

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Considering they completely got the story of the first war wrong in so many ways… and that the movie universe is officially a separate thing from the original warcraft story. I’m going to keep pretending it never happened.

They could of put more effort and money into it. Even more time into it (like they should of in BFA) but i digress. Just think about the CGI and animations that went into the cinematic for BFA. The whole “FOR THE HORDE” scream from Sylvanas. Now think about if they mad a whole movie the same as the BFA cinematic and tell me that couldnt be a trilogy bigger and better than even the Harry potter or any other huge trilogy.


I’d like to see a new movie with the story of Arthas… get really deep into the (stuff) with demons and whatnot.


As a stand alone movie is was brilliant. No name actors doing a good job, special effects were quite amazing even compared to the big name companies, just that it didn’t quite fit with the story line, but who cares, over all it was a good watch and I have seen it multiple times already.

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I wouldn’t say no name actors. Maybe not the most well known group but a number of them are known enough to not be considered no named actors. Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominick Cooper, Travis Fimmel just to name a few.