Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

Being of a gatekeeping mindset is not necessarily apparent to the person who has it. They don’t realize that so much of their motivation is to have exclusive gear to lord over others and that’s what drives them.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. I think retail should continue to cater to that demographic. But that shouldn’t be every mode of the game.

Yeah that’s pretty much all in your head.

If you are good enough to clear the raid you will clear the raid I can’t stop you.

I can’t meet you at the entrance and deny your group entrance…

This is all in your head friend

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This is what i don’t like. Warcraft logs, logging players that haven’t opted into the warcraft logs. They haven’t made an account, they haven’t ever logged their raid with the addon or never even downloaded it. But somehow they’re on the website and searchable.

This isn’t fair, players don’t want to participate in warcraft logs, are still getting parsed on the logs. Whether they know it or not.

This is the equivalent of Facebook who used to track and use data from people who aren’t on Facebook and they got significant grief from the US gov for it. I understand this is a bit more extreme, but it’s the same idea.

im just here for the logs

No it’s not, there was just a thread someone explaining how this was indeed their own mindset. You being unaware of this is not relevant.

Link the thread.

1 person doing something = everyone?

You’re in your own head.

No one cares if you have BFD loot.

There isn’t even anything in bfd that makes you stand out, it isn’t like you killed heroic LK pre nerf or something.

You’re just being weird

I feel ya man.

My advice to you, and anyone super casual is to:

  1. Go watch a video on the mechanics of each new raid (they come out the first couple days of the phase because the sweats clear it day 1) and know what consumables will make the harder fights a breeze (I.E Free Action Potions and Shadow Protection Potions for Kelris, which should be noted in any decent guide)
  2. Have a decent idea of what a well rounded group composition looks like from watching other people clear it while you’re catching up so that when you’re ready you can run the group on your own time.

I didn’t start running BFD until the 3rd reset. Thankfully I leveled a priest first and was very in demand so got an instant invite to see the raid. After seeing the fights once and learning about the potions, I’ve been leading my own groups since on 3 toons and am happy to explain the mechanics to anyone whos been gatekept as long as they bring the 2 potions I require for Kelris.

The community isnt gunna change for you, so get comfortable with running your own groups and do that instead because 90% of the playerbase is lazy and doesn’t want to start a group so if you’re part of that 10% you’ll always get to see the content, even if you’re a little slower at leveling that the guys who have more time to play.

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Im only replying so I can use logs :smiley:

You’re wrongly assuming that people log BFD.

You can’t even read the directions, I can imagine what those logs will look like.

Insulting someone doesn’t make you right just fyi in your future job search

that it is weird, it really isnt showing up. try waiting a week maybe it has something to do with weekly resets?

Maybe something is wrong with the way your logging your own toon? can you log your other characters without an issue? or is it just your pally? your able to check the log dates on bosses to see if You logged it or if someone else did.

I haven’t logged the pally yet, but I didn’t log my hunter either. Hunter showed up with 14 kills before I even started doing it. I just logged a run on my Hunter with the desktop companion, worked just fine. Pally has done 1 run, so she should appear, unless no one else was logging? I dunno.

How did you come to that conclusion?

It’s essentially a verbatim quote from BlizzCon.

Doesn’t mean its accurate. Blizzard is fairly notorious for mislabeling their own games in QA sessions.

That said, its a version of classic. That requires mild coordination and scheduling for organized events. Aka, a guild.

I love that people are still this attached to just being wrong. There is a balance between being in the bottom 10-20% of people playing your spec, and being a r1 esports professional player. If I have 100 warriors and yours is shown via logging to be in the bottom 10% of that group, I am not inviting you. Everyone else in this group put the effort in to not be in the bottom 10%, so you should as well. Unless you just want people to carry you to things you have not earned/worked for.

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Step 1. Find a Guild.
Step 2. Run any raid you want without issue.
Step 3. Stop crying on forums because people want to optimize the groups they are spending the time to build.
If you dont like it, do it yourself, or dont “parse grey”.

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This is what happens when you design raids to be hard and esports-lite.

This kind of gatekeeping would’ve made no sense in Molten Core.

If you’re grey parsing, the problem is you, not logs. Instead of blaming others, you should spend a night reading up on how to play your class and then another night practicing. You cannot get better at that which you do not measure and do not practice. Don’t blame other people that don’t want to spend 2 hours wiping on Kelris because you can’t produce enough DPS to kill him

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