Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

Just because you’re arent aware that someone is logging your performance, doesnt give you the right to slack off and perform terribly. Who cares if they dont want to participate?
The only reasonable explanation for being angry about someone else capturing your logs is if youre trying to get carried on purpose and youre worried about being exposed.
Logs are a useful tool to improve your performance.
If you notice yourself constantly performing in the bottom 20%, you should WANT to do something about that. Youre in a raid. Its not SSF content. You have 9 other people in there trying their best and they deserve not to have to try that much harder because someone doesnt care.

This is Classic. There is nothing hard or e-sports about it. It is literally sleep-walking content…

BFD is clearable in 30 minutes or less with 2 consumes that make the encounter AFK’able.
This is not “hard and esports-like” content.
in classic relaunch players were 5 man SM grinding to level and pulling almost the entire Armory dungeon.
Those pulls were more difficult than the BFD raid.

I would make that same statement about retail. I think it’s dumb people try to make raids into esports.

But that’s what they’re doing. They do it in retail. They did it in Season of Mastery. And they’re doing it in SoD.

Bro the entire point of BFD as content…is that it’s a bump in difficult.

That’s the whole appeal. That’s the whole design philosophy behind the raid. It wasn’t meant to be as hard as retail raids, but it was meant to be a sort of middle ground.

Can you guy’s go 1 second without twisting every conversation into a chance to brag about how easy content is for you? I swear talking to forum dwellers is like talking to uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite.

Nah, im with him.
That mindset is victim mentality and is completely illogical.
Wanting to only invite people that can prove they wont be a burden to your group is not gatekeeping. Its optimizing the use of your time.

I can guarantee you that 99.999999% of all players are not rubbing their hands together deviously like Charles Burns and thinking about others not getting loot so they can feel superior.

Content does not need to always be available for “everyone”. The more “accessable” the more watered down.

Generally if you want to raid, you should be looking at guilds. If you work, thats not the games fault for your inability to access content at a certain time ect.

I dont want to type up a whole thing here but while they shouldnt really care too much about logs and parses, it just seems to me that you arent playing your class correctly.

You want everything to conform to you. Instead of saying “Well I need to find something that fits my time and also find how I can improve myself” you instead go on the forums to complain. “I didnt get what I want so everything needs to change so I can”.

The game isnt the problem, nor the people. Its you. Also you are over inflating the issue to make it more like you are right. Seems gatekeeping kept out someone who didnt want to actually give a sheit.

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You just called a raid clearable in 30 minutes by slightly above average players “hard and esports-like” and youre mad someone refuted that statement?
Try not making outrageous nonsensical statements if you dont want people to correct you.

No one is twisting words. The content is nowhere near “esports-like”.

If you sit in any major city and inspect any random lvl 25, 90% of them have at least 1 piece or more from BFD.

This is not critical thinking content.

Yea, esports-like is the perfect way to describe it.

BFD is literally designed to appeal to spurgs who get their life meaning from beating an npc encounter in a raid…

You denying this just because it’s easy is irrelevant. And also dangerous because it sends the message to blizzard that raids should continue to try to be even harder and more esports-like.

Bro beating Rag in Season of Mastery is even easier than beating Kelris in SoD. Yet the WHOLE point of Season of Mastery was to make raids more difficult…to make them more retail like.

Almost all Esports content has a competitive aspect pitting players against each other in some way. Making extra mechanics for players to execute is not inherently “esports-like”. Its just interesting game design.

No one is hosting M+ tournaments for BFD. Players at the top of the performance tiers have always compared logs for fun. But there is literally zero “esports” aspect to this game, whereas it is fundamentally built into Retail.
Arenas and RBGs have Rankings attached, M+ has a timer, Raiding has Race to WF.
Classic essentially the Anti Esports division of WoW and always has been.

That’s why I said “esports-lite” Because it has the markings of an e-sport, the surface level appearance of an E-sport.

It’s like when hearthstone tried to copy ESPN and name all their teams “the boston raptors” and crap.

Raids should be way harder.

Make them like heroic ICC.

Nah man. Raids should be more epic, more exclusive, more mysterious.

People like you can play Torghast.

So because you still have the skills of a vanilla player we should all only fight target dummies cuz thats all you can handle?

No. Because that’s the design direction I want raids to go in.

Look at fromsoft games. People always think the boss are cool because they’re hard. But who do people like better Melania or Rhadahn? Rhadahn is one of their most beloved boss fights of all time. Because it’s EPIC. The man flys up into the sky and turns into a comet. And it’s totally seemless, how cool is that?

I could care less if ragnaros launches new aoe missles you need to dodge. Or if Gnar has new mechanics. It doesn’t capture that epic feeling.

Easy fights arent epic in the slightest.

Bfd wont be remembered as a good raid.

Who the hell logs and cares about parses in classic? If I ever heard anyone talk about parses in classic, I feel like I would have to just give them a wedgie out of principle.

BFD is a nice thing to do when the level cap is 25. Without it SoD would really be lacking I think.

And sure there’s a level of difficulty to thrive for. But there are different kinds of difficulty. Vanilla WoW valued knowledge over reaction time. And that’s what I would like to double down on.

A raid should be difficult to complete. It should be like that first time doing Wailing Caverns as a confused child. Dangerous, easy to get lost in. Lost Temple and BRD do this well too. But these dungeons have been out for 20 years, they’ve lost their mystery.

BFD feels like a boss rush. Which is fun, but doesn’t fill the hole left by vanilla WoW.

Like Rag felt epic back then but not so much now because you literally skip Sons phase.

Developers need to up their game and realize we are better and we min/max better than they create content.

Heroic Lich King feels epic even now, because hes hard.

If it wasnt for PTR no raid would of killed him week 1 in Wotlk Classic.

Heroic raids have never felt epic. The concept of heroic raids is the antithesis of making raids feel epic.