Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

Yet I keep getting told that the raid is very easy and doesn’t need more accessibility.

(Insert two opposing red buttons to press meme here)

I mean idk what your experience is but all I see is pugs being formed all day when I play.

Saying it’s gatekeeping is wrong tho, the raid is infact open to you.

Well issue is inaccessibility and it comes in the form of vetting needlessly high gear scores, 7/7 experience, all world buffs and consumes. It’s not all gatekeeping. These prerequisites are not their fault. They’re just afraid of getting burned by bad players and getting locked with them for three days. So it’s the bad design of lockouts. This is a multi-layered issue.

But gatekeeping is a large part of that issue.

Having requirements to join another group is not gatekeeping…

I can’t walk on to a football game on Sunday and demand to be the quarterback and then when they throw me off the field I tell him their gatekeeping me lmfao.

You pay a subscription to world of Warcraft everything inside the version of the game you’re playing is accessible to you.

That’s correct, as I explained in the post right above yours. They are simply afraid of getting burned by bad players and getting locked into them for 3 days. So a design flaw with lockouts is the main problem behind LFG over the top prerequisites.

The gatekeeping comes into play when people fight against having a LFR tool because it would make their gear less exclusive. I don’t expect anyone to admit to this, but it’s very apparent. This may not be you, and that’s great. But it’s a very prevalent observation because it is logicless to stand against something that does not affect your gameplay whatsoever.

Do you honestly think people care about this gear being exclusive?

This is the most brain dead raid to ever exist what exactly is exclusive about it?

This is just something you fabricated in your mind to justify getting rejected from groups

You think this is somehow just a huge conspiracy to not let other players who are worse at the game get the same gear? Those players have no power to keep you away from the raid you are freely allowed to zone into the raid…

This is either some maximum level of Cope or you’re trolling

Yes I do. In fact there’s another thread being bumped right now with somebody explaining how when more people had access to the gear via LFR he became less interested in raiding. This is at the root of gatekeeping psychology.

The issue is more so that you need to find a good guild and raid with them not random pugs. People will forever have it in their mind they have to be the best and never make error. The thing is there’s no reason for any of it for BFD anyway. The raid, while creative, is incredibly easy and you don’t require full world buffs and BiS to do it. People just demand it because “muh precious time maybe extended 5 minutes.”

this mindset is exactly why you will continue to fail.

Being a streamer or a speed runner has nothing to do with you knowing what your doing and not wasting the time of 9 other people.

If thats too much of a requirement, quit or grow up

i would argue its already ruined it :smiley:

This is the way to go about things. He just wants attention. That can come through trolling or through legitimate issues and a unique take. This thread is a worthy discussion.

What will you do if they make the raids hard at end game?

Yea I don’t believe any of that exclusive garbage.

It’s bfd loot lmfao.

I’m not sure what you mean by this question. Then I’ll try the hard raid and see how it goes. I raided in retail and it was fine. It’s just coordinated whack-a-mole memorization. Add-ons basically just tell you what to do at every step. It’s not really that hard.

It’s simply just tedious finding other players that want to learn the coordination together, and then scheduling. Definitely difficult to do when you don’t have set in stone schedules.

But hey a lot of people like doing that. More power to them. Personally I would rather PVP for gear. That’s what I do in classic. I think actual challenge lies there.

My main concern is a LFR tool for the leveling raids. Would be cool if they can implement it for 40 man raids, but whatever. At that point I can just PVP for gear since I don’t have the schedule availability to be a reliable raid member every whatever amount of days.

Since raiding is essentially the only option one has for gearing at this stage, accessibility needs to be key.

Join a guild?

SoD is targetted at players that don’t necessarily have set in stone schedules, or have limited availability. I’m unwilling to have to cancel on a bunch of people depending on me. A LFR tool would be much better.

Yeah I am beginning to think he’s just a forum troll.

Well in other news, I’ve been trying to get my Paladin on warcraft logs, but for some reason she won’t show up. Read the info about it, seemed to have followed it, not sure why it isn’t working.

whats your pallys name?
maybe i can help

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jLIdsSs5mA this is helped me a bit

This is my Pally, on Crusader Strike. I try to claim her but she doesn’t show up at all and I’m unable to link my battle.net account to warcraft logs because it says something went wrong or whatever. I was able to claim my Hunter but she was already appearing on the site I guess from other people logging me.

Items being exclusive is typically just the harder raids.

For instance everyone will have BFD gear because it’s easy, but most people in wotlk don’t have a heroic LK kill so they won’t have heroic Lk loot.

Raid difficulty is typically what makes gear exclusive.

In this whole thing I’m the kind of player you’re talking about, I set high standards and I don’t join bad groups. Not a single time did I think to myself I didn’t want you getting the gear out of bfd lmfao, it has nothing to do with the gear.

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