Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

Garmuck doesn’t know what gray parse means, but the title of his post is about warcraftlogs? Hmm?

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My first time in BfD, I thought I was going to have to be carried. I had a shadow protection pot, some idea of the fights, and quite a few greens still.

I thought everyone else would be in pre-raid bis. But actually, everyone was pretty much like me. And we still one-shotted every boss. The only boss that wasn’t faceroll was Kelriss – we lost 3 or 4 people in that fight.

This was a pug without discord, with people still in greens, where one of the tanks clearly didn’t know the fights.

I ended up being 2nd dps on the meters.

And no, I’m not some sort of WoW-playing god. I’m a pretty average player that just does his research.

My point is simply that post-nerf BfD isn’t that hard.

Just get good lmao

Instead of being unhelpful or piling on to the same issue this guy is posting about which is pretty disgusting honestly with comments like “get good” or “your grey parsing your just bad” isn’t helpful.

Instead, we should be helpful regardless if this is a troll post or not, Because someone might find this thread and read the advice or find the tips helpful, which could help them with their similar problems.

My suggestion would be that instead of taking a stance on warcraft logs is ruining SOD. I’d look at it more as a tool to see how you can become better as a player, you can see how other players are achieving such high parses. What skills they use, what consumables they use, and what specs they play. (having good players/geared players helps your parse also keep in mind.)

If you really don’t want to participate in warcraft logs, as on my server and I’m sure on others as well, there are guilds built around casual players. They usually have raid signups at regular times during the week, meaning that you can play with like minded players at an organised time so that you’re able to still enjoy the game and its content with like minded players, but still respecting your time.

The OP is a generally ridiculous character, but he is right about one thing. The fact that parses exist for ANY Vanilla content is laughable. It might be more absurd than the people who wanted full Sunwell gear to run Utgarde Keep.

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Do you have a source for this?

I know you said “according to Wowhead,” but do you have a link to an actual source? I’m curious about what might be meant by this.

Is that less than 2% of all characters created, of max-level characters, or what, for example. Also about what the claim that it is difficult to get into groups is backed by.

For me SOD, is all about pvp.

Raiding is way to time consuming and I hate all the people with their addons that exclude you if your build is not 100% of that a streamer is running, or if you lack an enchant…

When raiding was hard 20 years ago, we did clear MC with green - blue gear, there is no reason to ask for gear that drops where you apply to raid for.

I guess many feel like that and therefore don´t care about BFD or whatever raid (Mauradon) comes next.

That being said, I agree about the basic thoughts from the OP, this game has way too many try hards and they ruin WOW for everyone.

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Parsing is a symptom of a rudimentary problem that needs to be addressed. There’s nothing inherently wrong with parsing, but gatekeeping based on parsing is a big problem.

The best way to side step this nonsense is to get a raid finder in place. Get rid of lockouts, and simply make it so you can only get two BoP pieces a week or something.

Blizzard will find that a whole lot more people stay subbed to the game.

Their problem is they keep only appealing to the very small percentage of players that fixate on endgame guild raiding.

The fact they are making Season of Discovery the way they are illustrates that they understand they need to expand the demographics they are targeting. So hopefully they don’t continue to make the same mistake even though they have this goal.

The 2% is considering all characters, so if you have 1 main character and the rest bank alts. Those bank alts are calculated in that 2% that have entered the raid. It’s not a accurate representation of the population that has entered the raid. Unless I’m mistaken.

I wish we had a statistic or metric that measured all characters that are eligible to enter the raid being counted rather than everyone’s character’s on their account including their characters that are not level 25.

I’m pretty sure you have to actually be level 25 to even enter the raid, so it be interesting to see the population of level 25 characters that have entered the raid.

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The fact that anyone is submitting logs for a glorified dungeon is so absolutely emblematic what Classic has become. A player-made maze of nonesense. I would recommend Era over any other option right now.

Saying the game is easy and people shouldn’t care about parsing is fine when you’re parsing above the 90th percentile, copium when the overwhelming majority of people are parsing better than you.

There is no such thing as gatekeeping stop using that phrase over and over again.

Sure there is. For instance, why would you care about people getting a tool that would allow them more accessibility to raids?

It has nothing to do with you and you wouldn’t have to use it. You could just keep playing the same way that you’ve been playing.

The only difference is perhaps your gear wouldn’t be as exclusive. Hm.

I wouldn’t care, I only go to well organized raids that would clear.

The bfs gear is already used by everyone, burn what happens when we are actually at end game and the raids get far harder??

When instead of your LFR groups full clearing or going 5/7 what happens when they are hard stuck 3/7??

We are at the lowest tier of how hard this raid is, it’s basically 7 target dummies you stand still on for 30 seconds and dps.

Then you meet people that you work well together with in the raids and start over again by queuing together. Keep picking up new people until you have a raid that works.

None of this can be done without changing the lockout system of course. Which is the number one reason toxic parsing gatekeeping culture is so entrenched. I don’t even blame them. They just don’t want to get burned. It’s a design flaw.

I mean these are the forums so you’re able to suggest anything you want but let me be the first to tell you that there is no shot that’s happening.

And once again there is no such thing as gatekeeping

Eh, that’s kind of like saying there’s no shot that they would ever put retail skills in a classic season. But here we are. Anything is possible. This is in fact more than possible since they put the code to do such a thing into the patch.

Not to mention what I and many others are suggesting is completely in line with what the obvious philosophy behind the season is. It would be stupid of them to not implement it. Which may be the case, but the rigorous defense against this supposed sentiment of impossibility betrays you and others.

That just means only 2% of sod players are logging… the vast majority of dads in season of dads Do not know what logs are nor care about them.

They didnt wanna carry you, thats completely valid. Would you rather get saved to the first boss then kicked and replaced or replaced before you got saved?

Oh I don’t care if it’s put in I wouldn’t be using it.

These systems always fail like the quality of player you get would be so bad that you wouldn’t clear most raids if any.

rdf isnt the type that can handle criticism.