Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

Don’t feed him rdf is a known troll. You’ll notice he took his name for trolling wotlk forums when they were still debating getting random dungeon finder


it’s not like Logs are forcing people to behave in a certain way!
cool people will be friendly & play for fun despite logs existence and toxic players will always gate keep even if warcraft logs vanish.


This troll looks more and more like Garmuck, making controversial topics to upset people and argue against them.

He’s right. WCL should be banned from operating in WOW.

It’s a toxic website and does nothing to help the game survive or be better.

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Doesn’t take pro player level to understand how your class works, what runes to use, and how to use them. Most people should get green or blue parses without any effort and that’s all most groups expect. People also don’t want their time griefed either, if you come into raid and it falls apart because you can’t hold your own then you’ve griefed 9 other people’s time and raid for the next 3 days.

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Oh look another Garmuck thread /s

WCL is a tool, and tools are inherently value neutral. And it does not take a long time to get full world buffs and consumes right now.

“Come on kids, we can have family time after I troll the forums for a few hours!!”

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My name doesn’t come up in WCF. I’ve run BFD 5 times. Topped the chart 4 times, second on one to another hunter.

So, I’ve been invited without any data to review. All pugs. I made mistakes my first time despite watching videos first. Didn’t get kicked. Cleared 7/7 every time.

Now, it’s true that hunter pumps right now but I’ve been in two groups with hunters doing sub par dps. They are likely making the same mistake you are.

I’m a slow and dumb boomer but I do make the effort to read how to spec and gear and play my class. I buy consumes.

Point being, even those of us that are objectively bad at games can still do well when we put in the effort to learn the class.

If you can come on the forums to post this you have time to watch videos and read a wowhead guide. If you think this is all not fair, then MMOs might not be for you.

Ive never in my life used logs. I get into the raid every reset.

People rolling dps But not having consus, wb, PRE BIS, and not knowing a rotation. That why people is “gatekeeped” 5/7 is a wall in the raid.

Just find a guild bro.

Make your own group. I do every 3 days and full clear every time

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They have every right to not take you “as a grey parser”. What that entails is that you were carried in the raid, as 80-90% of the player base is doing more in the raid… and they can easily just grab one of those folks to fill the spot.

Logs aren’t ruining anything, they are providing data.

Holy crap you literally murdered him

Get into a chill guild. I got into 1 and got to lvl 25 geared via dm and they brought me on. I was able to get a helm and green bracers.

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Who cares if u cant carry 1 person in a raid that may not be fullybgeared then ur grp are clueless. I got carried the 1st time i went into bfd

? why should the other 9 want to carry somebody lol. by this logic just never try u’ll just get carried by whoever ur going with.

Its honestly not too hard to parse high in bfd. If you are consistently parsing gray idk what to say to you

Game is meant to be fun not min maxing crap. Get unto a guild that does that. The 1 i am in they dont req consumables nor shadow resistance. Now that said once u get few items ur dps should go up. If u done 10 runs and got geared and still not pulling ur weight i get it.

The game is meant to be however people want to play it.

If there is a demand for players who can ‘perform’ then that is how some want to play.

I am competitive and I want solid players in any run I do. I enjoy the game alot more when everyone is pumping.

Therefore i do not want a low calibre player. Similar with the Sport I play, or the work I do.

I have nothing against the person.

The game has a wide variety of people to play with.

Consider why you are rejected for ‘not being good enough’ and eother work to improve or find a group of people more to your speed.

Both options are completely up to you, thats the beauty of it!

Sounds like a you problem for most of these things.

Getting your feelings hurt over the internet is even more laughable. Make your own group or stop complaining.

If you have a issue with Warcraft Logs… convince players to start using Petrification Potions during raids.

invalidates logs.