Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

You seemed to enjoy looking at people’s parses last year



Pure diamonds.

I stopped inviting rogues because they’re running sub talents and doing zero damage, just here to waste people’s time

50% of people have double digit IQs.

Going all out on the spam troll posts today garmuck

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You can’t force good players to want to play with bad players. I personally don’t have fun carrying bad players with no consumes, no knowledge of the mechanics, no enchants, and who play poorly.

If you are not invited to a group, that means that player did not want to play with you. You can’t have a teacher force them to include you. You have to find another group or make your own.

Grey parsers deserve to get kicked. You have to afk to grey parse, or die at the start.

just join a casual guild man. im sure they exist and will help carry you. in classic era people don’t like it when they have to carry others dps who aren’t willing to improve past grey parsing but there are casual guilds that don’t care as much and would rather you join for the community not for your bad dps.

Do you need a tissue?

Guys are posting in a rdf thread with no irony, get it together boys.

Most groups aren’t logging bro. Specially pugs long as they clear it most don’t care ….

Don’t compete with the NEETs(Not Employed in Educaiton or Training) and the cheaters(Gold buyers/botters0 and you’ll have a better play experience.

Start your own BFD raid is also a good way around this issue.

But yeah, never worry about “keeping up with” or “falling behind” people that make this game their job or that cheat to keep up, you’ll never win.


THIS is definitely true. You can quit your job and family and still struggle to stay at the top of the grind. Been there done that.

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Hi Garmuck

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Level 10 Human Warrior’s Rejoice!

The number of earnest responses known trolls receive is kind of inspiring.

Its serious business dood, if you’re not questing in epics post 25 and with 100’s of gold already… you’re a scrub

Are streamers and speed runners only the ones who play at a high level?

But seriously, was there a reason why you did a grey parse? have you considered the mistakes and maybe improving? (this isn’t a shot at you)

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Nosir there is also, people who work at blizzard… and their close friends.

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Make your own raid.


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