Warcraft is on Syfy right now

Yes it makes me so upset and dont forget I also “hate you”

come on that post was short you gotta write a bit more than that if you want this troll train to be interesting.

Well hate to tell you this, but… get over it.

It’s a normal way to talk on forums. People have been doing it for years and it’s not different when i do it.

You’re really not convincing me you don’t dislike me now with that bitter attitude tbh.

Anyways, you want to get back to the topic you’ve derailed so far, or what? :point_down:

Ok I have something to admit, Im not over it… Whatever “It” is. And why would we talk normal on these forums when the whole point of talking to you is to get on your troll train and go for a ride.

Feel free to keep responding so we can continue on with your grudges and your trolls

As others have pointed out, there best bet for a movie would have been to focus on Artha’s storyline, instead what we got was mediocre at best. Something that people had been waiting years for, and considering we’re not at the number of subs this game is at compared to wrath or cata, it’s a wonder if will ever get a properly done WoW movie.

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Then get over it.

Not my fault you dislike the normal way people talk on forums. :man_shrugging:

I much rather honestly report you and put you on ignore considering you seem to outself as a troll and derailing the entire thread with your nonsensical self victimization tbh. Considering you lack self control to not respond, and civility and never going to get back to the topic. I pray for anybody for responds to you honestly, given our interactions together. I only wish it’s been better, and i mean it.

Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:

Hey don’t throw in the towel yet buddy, you still got a lot more ways to troll me and the night is still young, Im sure you can think of something if you dig deep.

Feel free to keep responding and bring up more unrelated quotes from entirely different threads.

Blizz killed what little career Paula Patton had. Yet another example of their war on women lel.


I mean, Movie Careers bombs if a film bombs all the time.

I can’t deny it, maybe there wasn’t the true ending where Stormwind falls into cruelty and full of genocide as shown in the books and in the video game itself and end with a Cliffhanger ending.

But nonetheless full of love for the fan and made Azeroth show that Blizzard can do a good live action… WITHOUT REFERRING AGAIN TO THE STUPID COMMUNITY FAN THAT HENRY CANVILL IS ARTHAS, PLEASE STOP TROLLING.

I need to watch it again. I bought it, watched it once. Found it very boring, felt disappointed, didn’t watch it since lol.

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Watch with popcorn and don’t expect an Oscar nod, lol. Surrender and have fun with it. :hugs:

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I like it honestly. Put it on as background noise… while playing wow.

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Blizzard had nothing to do with her film career. If she is not getting roles in major films is because she isn’t as good as you may think she is. There are plenty of actors that surface for a brief moment then disappear again. Stop being foolish.

I remember how Syfy used to be called the Sci-fi channel and how it actually broadcasted science fiction programs.

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I’m forced to wonder if Maisey Williams earned “The Kingslayer” back when it was relevant content. And on that subject… all I’ll say is “That Defile Tho!”

I think Blizzard really missed out on an opportunity with the Warcraft Movie. They should have started somewhere people could relate to. Maybe with the Wrath of the Lich King. My suggestion would be with Deathwing and the feud between Varian and Garrosh. Can you even imagine the two of them facing off in a movie? That would be something to see!

This movie was my first exposure to Warcraft. I loved it.

I have found over too many years that the best way to ensure that you enjoy any adaptation of any media is to go into it without trying to compare it to what you know already, because it rarely matches your personal perception of what it was.

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They are without their hunch, the orc males are at least a whole foot taller than playable human males.

I am certain that human, dwarf, and gnomes are only able to keep up because they are titan creations and thus are naturally strong compared to their respective species in other franchises.

Should have just adapted The Last Guardian.

It wasn’t a terrible movie, in my opinion, but I got a lot more enjoyment than those around me at the time just by being “in the know”. Warcraft tried to condense a metric crap ton of story and lore into a 2 hour time frame, and that made it all feel really rushed. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I could see plain as day why it was considered a flop.

Doesn’t mean it’s better story than Arthas.

Also the way they did tell the story was absolute garbage.