Warcraft is on Syfy right now

Neither do i with you. The first time we met, you are pretty much attacking my character instead of being on topic.

So does litteraly everybody else on planet earth. Your point?

I don’t think you know what that means since i didn’t put any words in your mouth of yours. I wasn’t asking you to explain anything actually. I’m simply telling you to not expect people to take responsibility for something you leave open ended.

You clearly do hate me, given the amount of character attacking instead of sticking to the topic you’ve been doing.

Like i said, you’re not forced to respond if you dislike me.

Ok so you’re just an actual troll I guess

What’s your problem? Seriously? Like the only interactions we have is you simply being like this… :point_down:

Like, do you honestly expect me to believe you don’t dislike me in some capacity as a person after this interaction and now?

So you just go around stalking me, you really do need a life… creep

This quote was literally from a month ago and i just bump into you here. I don’t think you know what “stalking” means.

Again, if you dislike me, you’re not forced to reply.

I dont care what you think, you’re a creep who goes around stalking people and starting arguments

You clearly do.

Kind of projection on your part honestly, especially given our first interaction on another thread, you seem to fit your own bill here. :point_down:

you follow me around for a month, you have no life

Except i didn’t. Not sure why you’re lying here and acting weird here since this is literally the only thread i’ve traced back, because it’s relevant to this topic that you’re talking about now.

As far i’m concerned, you’re just another forum user who has a grudge against me so… :man_shrugging:

its irrelevant to the topic and you bring it up out of the blue to start another troll, you got issues

So is you character attacking me and lying about stalking.

Now back to topic here. :point_down:

Now are you going to actually talk about my comment here, are you just going to be off-topic, or what?

Why would they choose angstyboy-goes-bad that over the First War, though?

The First War is literally what birthed Warcraft.

Just one world of warcraft movie failed to break even, why would any studio put up the money for a part two?

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So basically you’ve been looking to troll me again for a whole month and you found me here so you can bring up the last time you tried to troll me

I’m going to be honest with you, i personally don’t consider it a factor as a consumer.

I know to you it sounds silly, but i don’t have any business talking business really. I just want something that sounds or is cool. Despite the fact it will lose them money, or be a financial risk or etc. I mean, everybody has wants that doesn’t take the corporation’s interest into consideration. :man_shrugging:

I don’t think you know what that word means if you think me wanting a debate is trolling. Honestly, i see way more trolling from you.

And again, you’re not forced to respond, if you dislike me.

You come out of no where just to tell me that I hate you and you dont call that trolling, then you start posting quotes because you have a grudge about the last time you trolled me a month ago

So is everybody who responded to your comment. But i guess you consider me special considering you don’t seem to give the same treatment towards anybody else here. At least from a casual glance.

I simply responded to your “When i said TV series” comment with “You can’t really blame the person”.

I only responded with that the moment you’ve started with the character attacks. You’ve the aggressor here. And you clearly didn’t even make an attempt to hide how much you dislike me, so i don’t know why you’re saying i’m wrong there.

I quote to avoid paraphrasing.

Nice Projection. You seem prone to lying a lot about me and victimizing yourself while doing so, despite the fact you said don’t know me. :thinking:

If you have a personal problem with me, then don’t respond. Simple as that.

And you’re just going to keep ignoring that advice, are you?..

Yes break it all down into a bunch of different quotes so we can continue on your troll train.

Feel free to keep responding so we can keep your monthly Troll session going

Does that legitmently make you upset that i do that, to avoid paraphrasing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because if so, like… maybe you ought to learn why people do this.

Feels like you’re projecting about yourself at this point.