Warcraft is on Syfy right now

Bringing back some good memories. I know I’m in the minority, but I love this movie.


its a good movie, but they either should have focused on the Arthas story or should have just made it a TV Series instead and it probably would have done better


I remember the orcs looked good. Props to whoever worked on them


Brings back memories of wanting to get my money back.


My favorite part is anything involving the dwarven blunderbuss and Khadgar. My least favorite part is Garona.


Best scene was Blackhand getting… “sliced”.
Hands down the 2nd smartest move ever in a duel.

The first being:


I liked the part where the orc single-handedly threw that footman’s horse.

Like, literally. He picked up the horse and threw it with his hands, pretty badass.

I wish orcs were that big in-game, lol.


Warcraft was a garbage movie lol

I cannot fathom why they would not choose to do Arthas’ story.

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I don’t get how ya’ll ain’t bored of Arthas honestly


It was the last good story this game had

And it’s a hell of a lot better for screen than orcs vs humans


Didn’t they make a show about the Lich King.
Game of thrones or something?

(sits back and enjoys the fire he just started)


Oh it was Weta?

They do good work

No you’re thinking of The Whicher with Gerald of Riften.

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Fiance’s grandpa watched it shortly before passing away. He would watch all kinds of movies on TV and he loved the movie.

He knew nothing of warcraft and I explained some of the lore to him from the game and he thought it was super cool. I miss old man… (nickname we gave him).


no they needed to do the second warcraft as a movie…alleria on the silver screen…drools

I really like travis femmel. I wish he would do more, but I’m pretty sure he just want to work his ranch in Australia.


Ahh yes. The popular science fiction movie that everybody knows, based on a popular science fiction franchise that’s been on PC for years and beloved by so many: Warcraft.

Half sarcasm aside, can’t say it’s surprising considering Cartoon Network was less about Cartoons and more about live action stuff while back, Animal planet was more about humans then animals, and the less i say about MTV, the better. Yes, i get it’s diversifying interests of the network, but… we already have tons of diverse networks about different genres and such.

It would be like a Horror channel putting a comedy movie on there. Or a Comedy channel putting a political speech from the preisdent in there. Or a channel all about movies, just putting a TV show on–

Why does TV still exist? :neutral_face:

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Because you’d never be able to do it in a ~2 hour run time and not have it be crap.

Warcraft 1 was the right story to tell but they devoted way too much time to being self indulgent on behalf of fans. The scope creep in terms of set design and little nods was all a bit much. They didn’t need the murlocs, they didn’t need to go to Goldshire, I could go on. They were introducing plot points like Draenei and Thrall that wont get resolved in the plot for decades.

Also didn’t help that most of the live action actors were, uh, bad. And Garona was just weird.

I don’t hate the movie but it was exhausting to see that much time, money, effort and passion put into making an extremely mid-tier movie.

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Because he’s awesome?

Better question is how are people not bored of Darth Vader? I’v lost interest in his recent over saturation. Old man Joe-bi-wan beating up Vader… :laughing:

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Meh they’re the same character to me