Warcraft is on Syfy right now

I enjoyed it for what it was. It also has a good rating on amazon prime, so that’s nice.

I would argue that’s due to ignorance on the part of American audiences regarding fantasy. I legitimately heard a reviewer comment that they didn’t know orcs weren’t just a Tolkien thing.

It’s a legitimate problem that most Americans label most fantasy movies as a “LoTR ripoff”. It has hurt the genre horribly over the years.

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What do you mean by “They did that poorly, and Limited their audience” anyways?

You complain about me about me talking about adaption (which is again, the basis for the film’s quality, and quality is more important then making money, because a good quality product makes money), and me thinking you’re solely talking about money, but what do you mean by this here? Mind explaining what are you talking about with this “limited audience” point you keep rambling about?

Well, as I pointed out to Grimoire in a previous post, I don’t think it leaned as heavy into the Warcraft fanbase as some folks believe. I do know several non-Warcraft fans that were able to follow it just fine. Hell, I actually got a few of them to try WoW due to the film.

As I said before: wrong film, wrong audience, wrong time.

The fanbase that wanted a WoW or Arthas film and refused to see the movie just on that? Can’t do much about them. However, I honestly think if this film came out several years earlier, it might have done a bit better. Maybe not hot off the heels of Return of the King, but perhaps right before the first film of The Hobbit Trilogy might have been right in the sweet spot as Game of Thrones was only just getting started as well. It honestly needed to be far enough removed from Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit in either direction to avoid direct comparisons.

Don’t forget: this film languished in development hell for a fair number of years before it finally got out of pre-production. Keep in mind it was originally announced in 2006 with a 2009 release. While I’m not going to pretend to know all the behind the scenes dealings, I would not be surprised if it was getting to a point where Legendary had to officially be in production by a certain date or else they’d lose the rights (and therefore reset everything back to square one)

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Doesn’t matter anymore. Trying to explain this to you is like talking to a wall. You have not understood the point from the start. I am guessing you are on the younger side and just dont have enough experience in the business world and how product placement works

So just drop it. You cant argue a point you dont understand

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I’m not going to make excuses for Americans (especially as this sort of thing is most prevalent with us), but I do believe this is something every marketing person has to look at to some degree. You never want your own product being seen as too similar or a ripoff, and ultimately you kinda have to market it to the lowest common denominator.

You can actually sum it up with a classic George Carlin quote:

May whatever gods you believe in have mercy on you and your product and/or story if the average person tags it as the ripoff.

It does, because you keep bringing this up.

Yea, how dare i want to understand what you said, after you told me i’m wrong for trying to understand what you’ve said. :roll_eyes:

Well considering you’re being needlessly stubborn and bitter against my character over trying to answer this one question, then you’re practically saying the “poorly and limited audience” is about money.

Sooooooooooo… what is wrong with what i’ve said then if it’s about money? If it’s not about money, then what is it about? Misses “I got 25 years in marketing”?..

At this point, i don’t think you understand how it works either, considering you’re avoiding this question. It just seems like you’ve conveniently made up this story of you having 25 years of marketing without any proof you’ve done so, just to give yourself credibility here, despite the fact it’s questionable, given how you handled yourself in this thread.

Yet you are still clueless to the original point. You have since your VERY FIRST response tried to turn what I was talking about into something else. People do this for 2 reasons. 1) they think they understand what you are saying and dont. So they are unintentionally doing this. 2) They know exactly what they are doing and are Trolling

Either way the conversation is over. You win I lose. There. Im done

Because i was talking about the idea in principle. Which is the same regardless what medium you bring it too, that being the “A thing that is not made by everybody, shouldn’t be made”.
You deny this because the genres/medium are different, but not focus on your own Point that i was talking about.
If you think i misunderstood this, then that’s on you for poorly explaining that. I’ve seen nothing wrong with my analogy used to counter your point. And i yet to see an actual counter against that point that doesn’t focus on the genres/medium being different.

“Oh no, people try to understand what i’m trying to say when i tell them their wrong?! UGH! Why can’t they read my mind!? THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND, THEREFORE I’M NOT GOING TO TELL THEM!” :roll_eyes:

Yeah, you’re no marketing expert. What a childish response from a Shill.

Ok its clear at this point you know 100% what you are doing because you are still responding and still twisting what I say into something else. Im sorry I didnt see it earlier. My own fault giving you the benefit of the doubt. You are trolling and I am done taking your bait.


I guess you’re not done then?..

Nobody forced you to reply. :man_shrugging:

“I’m going to call anybody who tries to understand what i’m trying to say, trolling!”… says the person who lied about their marketing credentials. Gosh, i really hope this isn’t the same treatment you give to other people who dare to respond to your comments, asking “What do you mean by this?”, because you seem quite unnecessarily rude. :confused:

Maybe if you answer one simple question i had a few minutes ago and not be stubborn about it, i would maybe stop thinking you’re a shill or some corporate bootlicker, or armchair businessperson, who only solely thinks about the money. Not my problem that you can’t answer a simple question. :point_down:

Edit: i guess considering you’re not going to respond to this question, i guess you’re welcome to be wrong then. :man_shrugging:

They should have just made Warcraft3 a movie.

I honestly think the movie suffers from bad acting and bad directing. The pacing was attrocious as well.

That’s what i kept on telling her. That it’s not because it was adapted at all, but it was adapted poorly. But she doesn’t want to listen and think “It’s off-topic man!”… :man_shrugging:

Please no. Anything and everything is being ruined as of late due to many controversial decisions, and live actions don’t truly work because they have to cut out a LOT of extra stuff to fit in advertisement/commercial times.

Kit Harrington looks too weepy in everything he’s in. It just takes me out of it.

When I said TV Series I didnt say Live Action TV Series, I left that open ended on purpose, dont just assume things.

Well you can’t really blame the person for assuming if you’re purposefully leaving things open ended. Just saying.

let me just write a go a whole essay everytime I write something just so some guy doesnt go and try to twist my words and put things in my mouth that I never said

I wasn’t asking an essay. I’m saying that you can’t blame the person for assuming if you’re leaving things open ended.

Also, character attack much? If you hate me, and you clearly do, why not just, not reply then? I’m not forcing you to reply. :man_shrugging:

(And no, responding to what you’ve said, isn’t forcing anything)

I dont even know who the heck you are, you come out of no where, and now you’re putting words in my mouth and saying that I suddenly hate you, seriously what is wrong with this world, bunch of weirdos.