Warbank Costs

I’ve taken a look at the costs and all I can think is that for the first time ever I want to create a guild of my own.

The way they are handling thing is NOT appealing. It is far more cost effective to talk a few folks into signing for your guild than the warbands bank thing.

Fine for the gold farmers. For someone like me, who had to pool the gold across a stable of toons to get the 1M gold for Francois pet, not so much.

What I’m seeing in TWW is making me half-regret buying the module, honestly. The whole ‘delves have platform’ nonsense really sets me off. That stuff in ZM almost had me quit and made me really angry at Blizzard.

If I wanted to play platform games, I’d go play on my Nintendo 64 or Wii. Seriously. that is NOT why I play WoW.


For reference these are the costs;

Tab Cost
Tab 1 1,000
Tab 2 25,000
Tab 3 100,000
Tab 4 500,000
Tab 5 2,500,000

Tab 4 and 5 are rediculous. 3 is a bit rediculous as well. Granted, not many would need more than 3 probably. 3 tabs is 288 slots

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always with the glass half empty attitude. You and ME are getting three big tabs of space we didn’t have before and yet you are obsessing over an increased cost directed at whales who may have need for more space and should be charged for it.

What exactly do you figure you are going to put in there?


Yeah, I’ve filled the three tabs with just two of the characters I copied for the beta, and I had to use the beta test characters’ infinite money box to afford the third. I have no idea at all how I’m going to afford the third without asking credit-kun for it, never mind the fourth and fifth.

And all I’ve got in there is old materials for crafting, some glam items that need to be claimed and will be replaced when I have space in retail with NEW materials for crafting, and a few spare bags that I’m going to be keeping in there for fresh alts if my guild needs one for an achievement.


Ouch… those last two. I will not be buying them at those prices. There are still a couple or three of the super high price gold sink mounts I don’t have yet. And I was saving gold for the BM AH transmog items that are going away in August. Honestly, it’s looking like I will have to forego the BM AH stuff. This kinda sucks.


What saddens me is that some try to defend blizz on this one forgetting the infinite differences between players of all type and how they play a game. A bank system in a F2P game is sadly expected to cost money at this point

In a MMO with subscription fees? Not so much. As I mentioned earlier, gold sinks are ok and needed, but this here is just a push to sell tokens.

If token is 300k, you’d need over 10 of them to unlock all of it.

Black market AH? Good gold sink
Bank tabs? Bad one.


Bank space have always cost gold. If you need storage space you can always just make a guild bank - each tab will cost you more though than the previous but far cheaper than the 4th tab of this bank. Blizzard has also given us 5 more character slots - each comes with space if you need more storage.

This space is intended for convenience during an expansion, not long term storage. The only people who will need the last two tabs are people doing a lot of auction house activity and 2.5 million is not expensive for people with over 100 million. It is half the price of that AH mount.

Will I be buying it no because I need no need for that level of convenience at that cost. But I see nothing wrong with making people pay for added convenience.

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If you’re bringing up these workarounds when discussing a feature that’s meant to help remove the need for people to use such workarounds, you’ve fundamentally missed the point.

Where did you pull this from? It’s not anything they’ve announced that I know of, and is absolutely contrary to their actual announcements and promotions for the feature.

The point of Warbanks and the Warband bank is to eliminate awkward barriers when it comes to playing with alts, sharing resources with alts, and eliminate “the time-consuming and complicated process of having to mail items between characters.”.

If people feel they’re still having to do that, the feature isn’t doing its job. Adding a barrier to a feature meant to remove barriers is just dumb. There’s absolutely no stated intention that you’re only supposed to be working within the current expansion, or anything like that.

This is, again, just a random thing you’ve made up. It’s clearly not true even talking about people within this thread, let alone the thousands of people this feature is meant to provide a QoL increase for.


no I am not - this space was intended for current expansion use not long term storage.

common sense - it is a convenience - the best use of this will be for current content materials. 90% of people who have played for years with 10 or more characters will not have enough space even with ALL the tabs if you put old content materials in there. Consequently, it isn’t a good use to put old mats in there that you might need only need once a year.

nah that one is based on experience doing heavy auction house activity and knowing others who do heavy auction house activity and then doing little to no auction house activity.

The people in this thread either are telling themselves horror stories about why blizzard did this or just haven’t figured out the purpose yet and are being enraged by their assumptions not by common sense.

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Okay, so you’re literally making stuff up, and also making up “stats” to pass off your opinions as facts. Thanks for making that clear, we can discard your nonsense in favour of Blizzard’s actual stated intentions and announcements.


You are free to do anything as I am free to do the same to your arguments.

All you need to do is look at all the old materials in the game and figure out how many of those there are and you will clearly see there is not enough space in all tabs to put those items - not even close.

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And when people do that, and see that there’s a feature meant to be able to share those reagents with alts, and that feature is the Warband bank, their feedback that adding barriers to additional tabs of the Warband bank is not a good idea becomes relevant …

Over time, the Warband bank will definitely need to be expanded with more tabs/slots, but that’s at least a discussion people can leave for future expansions.
Of course, if you feel with all 5 tabs, there still isn’t enough space to easily share stuff right now, that becomes a conversation for now. But that conversation isn’t “Blizzard doesn’t want us sharing this with the Warband bank”. They’ve made it clear that the Warband bank is the place you should be able to go, and you shouldn’t have to deal with the awkwardness of making extra characters for space, guild banks, etc.


a lot of people would just consider if maybe their assumption was wrong about the use and just adjust themselves.

I am glad you mentioned your expectation because it should be clear to blizzard they need to actually tell some people how they expect people to use this bank because blizzard is just not going to keep adding tabs.

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You mean, for 126k gold, i can get 3 tabs of 98 slots each (294 slots) that are shared over ALL my alts on the server? and I can transfer gold to my alts without having to mail it? seems worth it…

Currently if you have a maxed out personal bank with 32 slot bags, you are still only at 252 slots, and they aren’t server wide.

Yes tabs 4 and 5 are for the elite, “money sink”, but some people will find a need for them.

Just need reagent bank to be alt accessible too.


Having run through the war band start quest, and having to unload 3 MILLION gold to unlock all the tabs, I whole heartedly agree. We didn’t even pay that much to unlock all the guild bank tabs.

Not everyone is a WoW millionaire, and the guild tabs will be very useful for those who have many, many alts (I have 12 max level alts, but have all character slots used with alts - that’s 50? 60? alts in total).

I don’t know if the cost-gate is there to limit storage usage or not -I will say though that it isn’t to encourage real money purchases, otherwise the cap would be around 250,000 gold (the average cost of a token) - because I guarantee you that players will pay for tokens to pay for bank tabs. But no one is going to pay for EIGHT tokens to buy one bank tab, and no one should even feel they need to buy ONE token to buy a bank tab.

The bank tab costs should be based upon what the average person is able to earn playing the content in an average way.


Warbands/bank are an evergreen feature


People (aside from you) aren’t making assumptions though. This has been clearly communicated by Blizzard what their intentions are with Warbands and the Warband bank. Their very first preview made it clear that they were intending to make QoL improvements, eliminate the need to clumsily mail items from various characters to one character, and that they’d be ensuring even old items would be updated to be Warbound-bound where appropriate.

Your whole “current content only” is something you’ve made up in your imagination, due to your lack of understanding for what they’re designing. You’ve created a circular loop, where a flawed design leads you to an assumption you have made up despite the design intention being made clear by the designers, but that assumption only exists because of those design flaws, and then you’re using the assumption to argue against fixing the design flaws. It’s absolutely inane, and has no space in any discussion or feedback for an iterative design process.

I’d question whether there should be any significant “cost” in the first place.
It’s a quality of life improvement. There’s no need for it to be a gold sink, there’s no need to limit it for players.


yes and the costs are one time but that doesn’t mean you will have room for every single bit of profession mat and boa gear etc that you might want to share with alts 5 years from now.

Maybe I am giving blizzard too much credit but 3 tabs is just about all you will need for a current expansions items - you would need 20 times that if you want to store all the expansion items and totally bypass the using the mail system. I usually run with all professions and 15 plus max level characters.

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They’re slowly rolling it to all expansions.