Warbank Costs

Tell me if blizzard had just given us 3 tabs and not added the extra two for anyone, would you still be complaining or would you be happy? I suspect most people would have been happy with the amount of space 3 tabs give but that little extra other people might get appears to be the issue.


You are missing the point so much, again why you so intent on hijacking the post to be contrarian?

The gold cost is too high, that’s all there is to it.


I am on topic - you just want to shut me up. Easy to do, just stop responding to me.

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Those 'TABS ’ are for ALL YOUR ALTS right now i have 10 that is alot of stuff


How op says it to expensive your saying people don’t need all .

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Definitely think the costs are bit astronomical for the warbank. Though perhaps first 3 would be on the cheaper side and remainder be kept more normallized getting 4th slot 500k would be crazy for most normal players unless TWW will bring a massive spike in the ease of gold


I guess my question is why does the warbank need to be a gold sink? It isn’t something cosmetic like an auction house mount. It’s something that almost everyone will use. Seems a bit ridiculous to make it a gold sink.


It is my guess is that blizzard doesn’t know how much the average gold total is per account. By the way blizzard price the war bank they must think ever account has at least 2 million gold or more.


They almost certainly know the average, but probably didn’t realize they need to look at the median instead. Honestly, I can get behind the warbank tabs being a little expensive if the idea was meant to be for them to be temporary storage for things being transferred between alts, but if Blizzard thought that’s what they were going to be used for they really haven’t been paying attention.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: “A little expensive” for me is something like 1k > 10k > 50k > 100k > 150k or something similar. Or 1k > 10k > 50k and the last two coming from an achievement for gold collection and an achievement for transmog collection


I will agree that I don’t “need” more then 3 tabs but at the same time this is beta and the time to make comments on things like this. At this stage it isn’t so much complaining but about passing on feedback so things might be adjusted before line.

And IMO the last 3 tabs are too expensive and the cost of those should be looked at prior to launch.


Yeah second this for sure.

above 3 kinda whatever but
below 3… should be like 1k 10k 25k or 1k 25k 50k
above 3. 100k 500k 1M.


I could get behind that price structure that is reasonable.

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Not quite ALL of them.
Just for the 5 characters (max) that share the warband at any given time.


This is my point, indeed

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But you can send it to warband char. and can be put in war bank .


It’s supposed to be your entire account (it goes to eleven notwithstanding). Is it not?

EDIT: Just tested this on Alleria, I’m currently in the warbank on my sixth character who has come to Gadgetzan. One of the six was the one who opened it in the first place, and all six were able to see and interact with the contents.


They want to catch up with other MMOs on how new features are monetized. WoW only has one subscription service, most new MMOs have at least 3, if not 5. Blizzard sells gold for USD, so making things a gold barrier is the same as putting it in a cash shop. It’s like the $50 mobile banker on ESO. You can also just buy that for gold by trading other players your gold for the item as an in game gift. I bought my banker bird from another player for about 8 mil on ESO. They know what they doin.

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This reeks of a “let them eat cake” attitude, tbh.


Just jumping in here to say that the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor is indeed in the Toy Box, and also in my inventory, which I think may be a bug. Using one puts both on cooldown. Also agree to lowering Warbank tab costs. Anything over 250k is absurd and an obvious WoWToken cash grab. There will be little incentive to use it as it’s cheaper to just make a guild and buy all the guild bank tabs or just mail items between characters. Void storage is already a feature that most players either don’t know about, don’t understand the purpose of, or simply forget it exists. We should move away from designing systems that could easily share that fate.


i agree, going from 25k to 100k is jarring. it should just be a flat 25k for every tab ater the first one and i dont think that would be too bad. most people likely wont need all of them